Scholar Vol. 1 Issue 4 (IC Newspaper H/A)

100 Gnome Priest
"That article about the air travel's going to spark some controversy." His assistant piped up as she read it.

"We're not about making people happy Penny, we're about report reporting the news. I didn't go into the happy business." He said as he set down the latest issue, hot off the presses, "I'm a news man."

((The latest issue of Scholar is out! ))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's because except for dwarves and the occasional gnome, everyone in the Alliance is afraid of flying. Whereas in the Horde, except probably for we blood elves and the goblins (and maybe the Forsaken, since they sort of have a navy) there's a heightened fear of drowning, since there's only really one boat we use, and it's technically neutral.
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((OOC, I went to read this on mobile, and it cuts off half the page and isn't scaleable. Perhaps some dinking about with the Wordpress settings may be in order? Or a mobile version that isn't a big linked image?))
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100 Gnome Priest
((Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll see what I can do)).
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Khora let the heavy metal trap of the Bruuk's Corner mailbox snap shut with a satisfied clang. Her recent submission to the Scholar periodical had just been finished earlier that day upon her return to the grand dwarven city. After waiting patiently at Tinks' Mobile Photo-Graph Studio for her pictures to be developed, she neatly packaged them along with her report and deposited the bundle into the standard mail.

They were only a few amatuer photos. She marveled to herself as she made her way back to the Guard Offices about her adventure and just how many pictures she'd taken. Pictures which just didn't work out. A thought occurred to her that perhaps she needed to partner with a competent photo-grapher. She secretly wondered if any such person existed. Such a thing had never occurred to her before, that a person might make a living at snapping pictures, but such a thing could be possible...she figured.

Making her way to their on-duty break station, Mountaineer Khora promptly found last weeks copy of Scholar and begin perusing the classifieds for just such a person.

"Dibik Engineering..." she sang another thought to herself, allowing her heavy brogue to stretch. "Ei wunder if this Gnomerian Shoppe has also a Gun Smithy. Meh ol'Rifle coold use some werk."
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100 Gnome Warlock
Well done! *thumb's up* Can't wait for the next issue!))
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100 Undead Warrior
* lines one of his nests with the current issue*
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