Caileanmor MRP Snapshot

100 Gnome Priest

Cail Liam Mahlr’D
Doctor [ret], Scholar, Librarian, Curator, Hobbyist Fisher-gnome

Tired Eyes
Avg Height; Avg Weight, Old Age.

Searching through notes

A rather grandfatherly old gnome, he appears as he is, always enveloped in a cloak of shadow.


#1 Forge Street, Mystic Ward, Ironforge


Currently has an "issue of shadow" enshrouding his physical heart.

((Cail Liam Mahlr'D))
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100 Gnome Priest
Its a scant profile, but at any given moment that's as much as you'll find in it.

There once was a day that I had it filled with a ton of information, but it was all lost with my latest computer reset. Now I've taken to backing everything up in a word doc kept on a flash drive. :)

Everything within his mrp may be considered common knowledge. I would even like to expand on it a bit in this thread.
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100 Gnome Priest
There is a portion of his past which he doesn't speak of often and so wouldn't be commonly known, but most everything else mentioned here would be common knowledge or at least easily deduced if one were to ask around. Such as the fact that he worked for a short while as a Medic for the Stormwind Watch (which oocly was years ago when they were smaller and still the Stormwind Watch). He was even being groomed to be (or possibly even considered as) their medical examiner before leaving...we'll say for health reasons.

Before the Watch, Cail's had a long successful career as a physician and surgeon. Most of his training was completed while serving first as a medic and then as a surgeon during battle through the first, second and even some of the third war. He's seen his fair share (in some case more than so) of conflict and the ravages of war. It’s left its own unique mark on his life.

He was quite the tinker as well. He doesn't dabble much anymore, but his most notable accomplishment was adapting a common model Mechanical Squirrel from a mere toy to a personal assistant and life-long friend. He managed to figure out how to give it a basic sentience, and unknowingly stumbled into giving it a form of artificial intelligence spawning its name Superlatively Intelligent Mechanical Squirrel. A bit on the nose, and not entirely accurate, but Cail was extremely proud of his little companion and the two have been together for a very long time.

S.I.M.S., or Sims as he came to be known, may be his most notable accomplishment, but his greatest personal (and lesser known) achievement with tinkering came when he successfully miniaturized a Gnomish Death Ray and installed it into Sims. Perhaps not extremely innovative, and so not worthy of a name, but he considers it a personal milestone where tinkering is concerned.

Never much of an -actual- engineer, he constructed his own gyro-copter from a kit and flew it as a Medical Transport for the Watch the short while he was there. He took it with him when he left and it served as his personal transportation until the machine fell into disrepair. It became the cause of several harrowing experiences and was destroyed when it crashed in the western plague lands nearly killing Cail. He's since washed his hands of tinkering altogether, aside from small odd contraptions he creates now and then for utility and convenience.

After the watch he looked to his own personal medical practice for a time, but it seemed that age was swiftly catching up to him so he decided to retire for good as a medical doctor and dedicate himself to the retired life. He took to fishing and relaxation. When he grew bored of relaxing he tried to open up his own fish market, but that didn't last. He still fishes as an intense hobby, spending hours poring over topographical maps and charts of weather patterns for various regions of interest. Once was a day when he'd spend days or weeks at a time out in the wilds following rivers and streams and documenting all of his discoveries and observations in his personal fishing journal. Sadly such days are behind him.

Genevra was an old friend and after seeing him aimless she encouraged him to join Conclave and put his scholarly nature and curiosity to good use for their benefit. It was a very good fit, better than he had anticipated since it allowed him the flexibility and means to conduct his own research on his own terms while fulfilling his much needed sense of purpose.

Over time Cail has grown older and become less adventurous, especially after the incident of his heart attack. Asking him about it, he would reassure you that it was about time as his health had been steadily declining as he aged the past several years. While that may be true, the event also has a deeper link that he has managed to evade. A link to a matter of shadow magic which has mysteriously enshrouded his heart.

It’s a matter which he has researched fully and inquired of ad nauseam, so it is something that would be common knowledge. It’s also rather evident considering he's often physically enshrouded in a thin layer of shadow, which he has yet to fully understand.

You see, though Cail oocly is a priest, ICly he isn't. He has no ties to any priestly organization (except possibly through Conclave) nor had he ever exhibited any magical aptitude in his past. He's not even aware of any relatives that were or may be "magical" so this whole 'magical shadow' thing is still completely new and mildly disturbing, while at the same time fascinating.

At his core he is still very much a doctor, though he doesn't practice medicine anymore. There are certain genuine traits one in his field tends to develop which are still very prevalent. The most notable of these traits are his genuine concern for another's wellbeing and interest in helping where he is able, and his studious nature. Both of which are further enhanced by his own innate nature being a gnome.
Edited by Caileanmor on 4/23/2015 1:55 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
While not always stated in the mrp profile, simply because my explanation tends to become wordy, Cail is a lover of simple foods. He enjoys his fish and seafood, and his savory red meats when occasion permits, but most of all he enjoys an assortment of cheeses.

A slice of fine sharp is good enough to carry him through the day. Of course what good is a slice of cheese without a hunk of bread? The type of bread really depends upon the sort of cheese, you see. However, a good plain white loaf goes with practically anything and so one can never go wrong with it.

What good is cheese and bread without something to wash it down? An ordinary pale ale will due in a pinch, but he prefers to savor the thicker lager of the stout and dark dwarven variety. Thick an' meaty, as the dwarf-folk like to say. A hearty stew to accompany the brew is also a fine choice. He tends to steer away from wines and meads. They give him heartburn.

All of that in mind he's more apt to snack on a batch of hard boiled eggs with a small bowl of seasoned salt and pepper while cloistered away with his books and research.

I mention this all because at any given moment it’s not uncommon to smell the faint odor of any one of these foods on his breath, especially if he's been enjoying a more fragrant selection of cheeses. He seldom drinks to inebriate either, so one ever sees him drunk that's a clue that something might be wrong.

Most of all however, one may smell an odor of pipe weed as it tends to cling to his beard and clothing. He enjoys smoking the more fruity and soothing variety of odors such as cherry or vanilla. Though he does occasionally opt for your average variety of tobacco leaf from time to time. To clarify I use the term 'pipe weed' in a general sense to include the assorted forms of tobacco leaf and such.

As for appearance, he's a clean and tidy sort, but not without his quirks. He tends to keep a short stick of graphite to write with tucked behind his right ear, hidden by a tuft of gray hair. Though it’s not uncommon to see a smudge of graphite at the crook of his right ear, or on the fingertips of his right hand.

He also always has on some kind of wide belt capable of carrying a few old worn leather pouches, one to hold an assortment of small notebooks, and others for whatever else he may need at hand. He also travels with a small pack which carries, among other things, a finely compacted tackle box of assorted baits and lures, a collapsible fishing rod, a clean pair of overalls, and his fishing hat. He also has a collection of fishing rods at his home, his most prized and coveted of which is of the arcanite variety.

His clothing is usually in good order. Not of the latest fashion, but he's never been a fashionable sort of gnome. He prefers utility and practicality over aesthetic design.

He is now seldom seen without the use of some sort of walking stick, staff, or cane.

His current outfit of robes marks his station as a venerated scholar of Conclave. The staff he carries is an artifact he recovered from deep within their vaults, which he uses only after considerable research and study to make certain it possessed no dangerous power or ill effects. It does have a mystical quality and a history. Though perhaps uncommon, it is not unique by any means. Its nature isn't generally common knowledge but neither is it a secret and can be discerned by those with the aptitude and interest.

He proudly dons the cape of the order of Conclave, and it has the marking of his station as a scholar and of a curator. It is clasped at his shoulders by simple emblems further denoting his current station as a curator of their vault.
Edited by Caileanmor on 4/23/2015 1:57 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
*highjacks thread*

Oh look! It's my buddy Cail! HAI CAIL! *waves frantically*
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100 Gnome Priest
^.^ Well hello there! and welcome back!
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