(H) LF RP/Heroic Raiding Guild

100 Goblin Shaman
I don't know if this is too much to ask for, I've been warned that it probably is but I was wondering if there are any guilds on CC-SoE who actively raid heroic BRF while still maintaining RP. I've been a long time raider but some RL issues have pushed me away from doing mythic in the strictly non-RP realms I've been on. I've been a fan of the Warcraft franchise since I played WCIII as a teen and love the lore (too young to have played WC I and II when relevant) and have a decent story (IMO) for my main (a goblin ele shaman).

So if by some cosmic coincidence you are an RP guild that raids heroic sometime after 7 PST between Sunday and Wednesday and need a heroic experience 680 ele shaman, please add me at tekk#1150. I would be transferring from my current realm so an opportunity to test the waters would be appreciated.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't think we have any RP guilds that do heroic. Conclave (Alliance side), raids and RPs, but I'm not sure what their schedule is.

Heroic Raiding Guilds on CC/SoE, Using WoWProgress.com,
Alliance: Paradise Lost, Drunken Light Brigade, Council of Dragons, BLood Phoenix, Fruit of Elune,
Horde: Together We Are Terrific, Salvation, HAssen Uns

Okay apparently more than a few. http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/connected-cenarion-circle

You can view them there. :-)
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100 Human Paladin
Conclave doesn't have a raid team anymore. Dysfunctional Veterans does though.
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