Irestrav MRP Snapshot

59 Draenei Death Knight

[full name]
Dark Rider

Eyes, Cold/Dead
Dead Draenei (DeathKnight)
Tall Height; Avg Weight, [Dead] Age.

Frigid Aura.

Dead eyes burn with the lifeless cold fire of an unnatural force.
Her emotionless face stares. Watches. Alone she remains, waiting...




I am a newly awakened Death Knight.
I have no memory of who I was in life, nor of how I came to be.
I have no thoughts my own. No ambitions. No motivations. No purpose.
I returned to Stormwind because I was instructed to do so, and now it is expected of me to fit in. To of them.

...but I am not one of them. I am...something different.

Perhaps returning to my beginning will reveal answers to questions I know not yet to ask.

Something to share.
Something to discuss.
Work in progress, as noted by the "-" and [placeholders].
Edited by Irestrav on 4/21/2015 2:57 PM PDT
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59 Draenei Death Knight
I'm fascinated with the lore about the Dark Riders, and the general lore of the development of the Death Knights over time. To this end I created Bannis on CC and Irestrav on SoE to emulate elements and impressions of that lore respectively.

Irestrav has floated on the periphery of my imagination for some time, and only recently is she beginning to take on a semblance of a form. Her current iteration is as much a product of my lack of background and character as anything else. :) I very much like the image of her being a phantasmal creature. A boogey man. She may have been Draenei once, but now she is only in form.

The first gen death knights were slain human knights possessed by the powerful souls of sacrificed orc warlocks. I like the notion that they were neither human nor orc, but something else entirely. Perhaps imperfect by current gen 3(?) standards.

I like to think that our current iteration of Death Knights can still embody some of the mystique of their originals. A thing that remains supernatural and undefined. Dark Riders. Wraiths. Phantoms, ghosts, vengeful spirits of once noble being horrifically slain in battle. Few ever knowing where they go, from whence they came, or their purpose while they are here.
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