Coolbrëëze MRP Snapshot

91 Night Elf Druid

Faaedya Ravencall
House “Wintertree”

Phantasmal Eyes
Night Elf – Druid (spirit)
Avg Height; Avg Weight, ? Age.

A disembodied spirit…

Draped in the regalia of her druidic order, she is rather translucent and incorporeal.




Joining her fellow druids in the sleep, Faaedya Ravencall wandered the Emerald Dream growing, learning, and expanding the druidic call that came so naturally to her. Impossible to know just how long or short her time was spent in the dream, but at some point a calamity befell the burrow where her body lay severing her spirit from its mortal vessel.

Much of what made her whole is now lost. Memories of her past. Ambitions for the future. Passions, loves, and motivations. It’s all fractured and disjointed at best. None existent at worst. Yet the semblance of a connection remains and so for now there remains a glimmer of hope.

Now the druidic spirit is more of a force of nature than a person. Faaedya wanders the world drifting as a cool breeze searching tirelessly for the other half of her being with little to nothing to go on. All she can do to fill the void is to fulfill her role as a druid where she can.

Night Elf:

Edited by Coolbrëëze on 4/21/2015 2:56 PM PDT
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91 Night Elf Druid
So those last little bits about the "Night Elf:" and "Satyr:" are just notes to myself. While exploring her character and story a while ago I came across the bits of lore concerning Satyrs, and how they're fel corrupted night elves. I found it interesting, and while I searched for a name generator for naming ideas I came across these names and they struck me as possibilities.

After I settled on "Ravencaller" I kept the rest with the idea that perhaps she was apart of a tribe or family with the name Wintertree, and that there may be a sister tribe/family with the name Duskgrove (perhaps tied in some fashion to that portal in Duskwood?, idk). I then thought it might be interesting if members of each tribe/family slowly turned to their arcane addictions and eventually became fel corrupted Satyrs. I liked the idea and so I kept hold of Darkgrove and Felbranch to use later, if the idea developed any further.
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