[H-Event] The League of the Banshee Queen

100 Orc Rogue
What is it?

The League of the Banshee Queen is an organization (*not* a guild) centered around the improvement of the Forsaken's standing on the world(s') stage(s). Its founder, Mordvin Grimhallow, has posted notices around Undercity and Silvermoon calling all proud undead to meet in the courtyard of Lordaeron. Our goals include unearthing time-lost artifacts (like a Forsaken Reliquary) and expanding the military reach of the Undercity in the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend. All those interested in joining the League should attend.


The first meeting will be held Saturday, May 2nd, at 6:00 Server Time.


The courtyard of Lordaeron. However, we will be moving to one of the side quadrants once people have gathered.
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100 Orc Rogue
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100 Orc Rogue
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100 Draenei Mage
(( Would you be open to CRZ people attending? It could be interesting to get cross realm Forsaken scheming going...))
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100 Orc Rogue
CRZ people are definitely welcome. Anyone to fill the crowds.
Come on, where's our Forsaken pride, Wyrmrest? Bring the public RP out of Silvermoon.
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100 Worgen Warrior
d e a d d e r s
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100 Worgen Druid
I love the idea. I assume death knights of any Horde race constitutes as undead and may attend? What about the Horde's living who sympathize with Forsaken goals, may they attend, as well?
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Bring out your dead *clang* Bring out your dead!
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100 Undead Death Knight
I think I'm inspired to host another "gathering of forsaken souls " in a few weeks. I might not make this one but sounds like y'all will host others.
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100 Orc Rogue
04/29/2015 05:40 AMPosted by Grendela
I love the idea. I assume death knights of any Horde race constitutes as undead and may attend? What about the Horde's living who sympathize with Forsaken goals, may they attend, as well?

Well, it's not really focused on the idea of undeath, but rather the Undercity itself, so while it might be ridiculed other races can definitely attend.
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100 Undead Hunter
This thread now has Victory for Sylvanas in it
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100 Orc Rogue
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90 Orc Warlock
You've drawn this one's attention, Guest of My Flame.
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