Character Snapshot: Ødin

100 Dwarf Paladin
Ødin Graybeard
“Ol’ One-Eye”
Commander, 2nd Lieutenant
Guild Leader of <Ironforge Guard>

((Officially spelt with a nordic O (Ø=alt 0216), I often use the regular O out of convenience.))

Left Eye Only*
Avg Height;
Avg Weight,
Old Age.

About his business.
((He is almost always 'about his business'. Whether or not its important or official is up for you to determine :) That said, walk-ups are always welcome, even if I appear to be oocly running by I'll happily stop to return a wave if I notice it in time.))

Appearing rather old and grizzled.
Nonetheless Odin displays exceptional strength and endurance that in many cases can rival that of almost any youth.

*He is missing his right eye is always wearing a patch (despite model appearances).
His beard is long, thick, full, and grey with streams of white. Adorned and braided in a rather common-traditional style.

His gear is antiquated by current standards but always well cared for and in good order.
He is usually seen in only one of two outfits.
>His Mountaineer’in outfit, and variations of, is his ‘casual’ attire. Never really a dwarf of high fashion, or any fashion sense really, he generally only has the clothes he’s wearing and –maybe- a similar spare set stashed some place on post.
>His Official Armor of the Guard consists of an arrangement of Plate Armor adorned with markings denoting his Official Rank as an Officer of the Ironforge Guard and his status as a Platoon Commander. Immaculate and clean, this is considered Odin’s official dress uniform which he wears typically only while within Ironforge or otherwise serving in some official capacity.

...otherwise he's in his Mountaineer'n gear. Sweaty, sometimes smelly as proud hard workin' dwarfs can be, and oft times dirty in some measure.

Seen "sans armor" or otherwise ‘nekid’ he appears very fit and vigorous which contradicts his undoubtedly senior age.
((He is not without his share of wrinkled flabby old-dwarf flesh. You know, the way Arnold might appear irl without his shirt on. Old, wrinkled, and a bit flabby but still fit enough to maybe pull someone's arms out of their sockets like an angry wookie.))

Professionally, Odin is hard-nosed and very reliable. He means what he says and says what he means. Never one to mince words or sugar coat anything. Right or wrong, he calls it as he sees it.
A dwarf of his word with true intentions and solid convictions. He stalls passing judgement in his duties until he deems that all relevant facts have been presented on a matter. Once he makes his determination his sentence is swift and usually fair.
He has earned a great degree of respect and autonomy in his position by his superiors and freely passes the same respect and autonomy down to his subordinates, expecting those in leadership roles bellow him to be able to function largely on their own with minimal direction (and in some cases interaction) with him.

In Public Odin generally remains quiet and reserved. He doesn’t really ‘do’ social functions, and only engages with the general public as is required of him by his professional station. Prefers keeping a low profile so he can to remain focused on his duties and little else.

In Private Odin very much acts his age. He often flaunts his apparent abundance of experience and wisdom with little reserve or grace, but only on matters which affect or involve him directly. Otherwise he offers nothing unless asked, and only then offers what is asked of him and little else. He’s a dwarf who has little time or patience standing on social graces. He is often blunt and curt, and appreciates as much from his subordinates.

A dwarf of mysterious (and albeit questionable) origins, Odin seems to come and go as he pleases, when he pleases, all while managing to leave very little evidence of his existence through historical records. When he does show up its often little more than a footnote. Interested friendly parties have from time to time taken up the challenge to document this old dwarf in order to pin down his prominence and clarify once and for all just –who- he really is. The farthest back anyone has ever successfully traced his existence with any degree of certainty is 215 years, which is within the known lifespan of most common dwarfs.
There still is no sign of a birth record.
The best of these attempted timelines are spotted with black-holes that span decades at a time.
Ironforge Guard RP set up:
Not -the- IF Guard in its entirety, but rather a section of it. In this case it’s a:

Symbol: •••
Name: Platoon or Commonwealth Troop
Nature: Sub-sub Unit
Strength: 26–55
Constituent units: 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles
Commander/Leader: Warant Officer, First or Second Lieutenant

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100 Dwarf Paladin
History continued...
((I ran into the character limit while editing and editorializing :P))

Professionally, Publicly, or Personally, at any given moment Ødin may appear to be unapproachable or unattainable. It is simply his nature, but this -appearance- couldn't be furthest from the truth. Regardless of the capacity in which you encounter him, he is always willing to halt whatever he may appear to be 'about' and make himself available. He can also always be reached via the mail system, or AAMS.

((and this goes for IC as well as OOC. I tend to pop in and out on various alts, so if someone needs to contact me ask around for Caileanmor, as that is my bnet name. If I am not online, I will be sooner or later, so by all means drop me an in-game mail and I'll respond as soon as I receive it.))

[Edit] Feel free to post any questions or *related* comments. :)
Edited by Ødin on 5/7/2015 4:19 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Hunter
((If you haven't met him before, here's two words that describe both character and player.))

He's great.
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