DV seeking veterans, military and more

100 Human Priest
Dysfunctional Veterans [Alliance] is a mature and active guild of current and former military members along with many friends, family and other players who enjoy this game and pushing all manner of content. We are rounding out our 2 core progression groups along with recruiting pvpers and veterans and active service members. We operate on the Cenarion Circle / Sisters of Elune server group and are very active within the guild and in the server wide community.

AM Raid
6-9AM PST wed, thur, fri

PM Raid
5-8PM PST tues, thur

Actively seeking PVP Officer
PVP days /times TBD

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100 Draenei Shaman
We also have a core of active RPers, but are always looking for more. We host several guild RP events throughout the week for those who do not or cannot raid. These groups are small, friendly and completely no-commitment. We're currently building storylines within the guild and the community, so come and join us!
Ketyru#1178 for any questions.
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