The Safety of Silvermoon City

100 Blood Elf Mage
It has come to my attention that recently, Silvermoon City has been the victim of many attacks at the hands of individuals associated with the Alliance. These attacks come multiple times per day, and they cut through our guards like butter.
As a member of the neutral AAMS, I cannot and will not fight back. I would, instead, like to attempt to lessen the tensions through some sort of peace talk. We should not be harboring violence towards each other, especially after recent events on the planet of Draenor. We should be setting our sights towards bolstering our home world against the very real threat of the Burning Legion.
These fights make it difficult for me, as a Sin'dorei and a courier, to feel comfortable doing my job by delivering packages and letters in Alliance territory. I can't be sure that these customers are not the same people who raid my hometown on a daily basis.

I would like to call peacefully upon any of the Alliance who have willingly participated in these attacks, and ask you to step forward. Tell me why you did it, and if there is anything we could do to appease your anger. It would be in all of our best interests to know why these attacks persist, and what can be done to keep them from happening in the future.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((I doubt seriously that the attackers were RPers.... but I'll respond anyway))

Reading the plea, the Warden's brow quirked incredulously. What boldness these assailants had! What surprise with the city falling victim to such attacks so easily. What opportunities could now be possible? One sprang to mind, but care had to be taken. Her fingers sprang to the old imported parchment she never used, arranging it next to her bottle of ink and her favorite quill and the oil lamp she then lit. Her handwriting could not be her own - and the careful strokes were indeed a practiced forgery of a persona held long ago. For this however she would sign her name as something corny and ominous at the same time. The name didn't come at first, but the words did.

How cute that the elves of Silvermoon now demand mercy when they gave none. Who among they were the voices of dissent when the Horde's warmachine rolled through our towns and villages? Where was Silvermoon when Sylvanas bombed Southshore? Where was Silvermoon when the Orcs defiled Ashenvale? Where was Silvermoon when the Horde corrupted Pandaria? They - and the Trolls, and the Tauren, and the other fairweather champions of peace objected only when Garrosh turned his axes on them. They profit from misery, but detest it only when they are the targets.

The AAMS is no better. For years they ferried messages blindly, not caring who sent to whom what and for why. Few know the body count they have on their conscience, but it is especially delicious to now hear one among them bleat about the consequences - only when they are at risk.

If this is what it takes, this is what it takes. Let it be so until the Blood Elves know the consequence of standing by and doing nothing, or at least the feeling of being on the receiving end when others do the same.

Then the name came - an old Orcish nickname from what the humans called the third great war - from the doomed camp she terrorized for three weeks - in a visage now unrecognizable from her current appearance.

-Humbly, the Great Owl Spirit
Edited by Kyalin on 5/17/2015 9:20 PM PDT
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