Is it possible to?

31 Goblin Rogue
Make a name for a character here? ive heard people mention a couple times that their characters can get well known here and have kind of like a reputation. I was wondering if its possible to do that in CC, since on servers like moonguard unless you run a guild or are REALLY skilled at RP, you could get buried.

Why do I want to make a name for myself? Because I one day hope to be a writer if I don't make it into the air force or retire from there. I would like to show the world of warcraft my talents in writing and hopefully find other people to write cool stories with.
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100 Human Warrior
It's very possible to make a name for yourself here. All you need to do is be active in the community and people will remember you.
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100 Human Warrior
05/28/2015 05:40 PMPosted by Calent
It's very possible to make a name for yourself here. All you need to do is be active in the community and people will remember you.

Who're you?
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100 Human Rogue
05/28/2015 03:37 PMPosted by Bloodkoin
Make a name for a character here? ive heard people mention a couple times that their characters can get well known here and have kind of like a reputation. I was wondering if its possible to do that in CC, since on servers like moonguard unless you run a guild or are REALLY skilled at RP, you could get buried.

It's quite easy to make a name here. Just be respectful, polite, and generally awesome, and you'll be heard in all the right circles in all the right ways.
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100 Undead Priest
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100 Human Priest
05/28/2015 06:35 PMPosted by Clottia

Or you can be like Clottia here - bait for the Stormwind city guards. *grins*
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100 Draenei Warrior
05/28/2015 06:22 PMPosted by Arlston
Just be respectful, polite

I take you mean that, out of character right?
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100 Draenei Shaman
Bunch of Crazies in here.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Like others have said, just come to events and join the OOC chat channels, and you'll be able to make a name for yourself. It doesn't have to be through peaceful means, either. Arlston and Calent have hacked me to pieces before when I've gone (OOC, mind you) into Stormwind. Arlston especially has a reputation Horde-side of being the character a lot of people want to fight.
If you come to events often, and make a strong impression, it's easy to be remembered.
Edited by Lithliana on 5/29/2015 6:38 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
05/29/2015 05:19 PMPosted by Allaidia
Bunch of Crazies in here.

!! You abandoned ussssss.
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100 Draenei Mage
05/28/2015 03:37 PMPosted by Bloodkoin
I would like to show the world of warcraft my talents in writing

The LFRP podcast ( at ) takes writing submissions related to their weekly topic. They also have a show devoted to showing the writing of people in the warcraft roleplay community. Take a look :D It's a nice way to share your talents with the community.
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100 Undead Warrior
*skitters madly into the thread, hurling Maggots of Refined Discernment and General Leakings about*
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