Looking for guild

Hey Guys,

Just returned from a long hiatus (since wrath) and am looking for a very casual rp guild willing to take on a rp newbie. I tried finding one organically like i did in BC, but it just hasnt come together. Just looking for some friends to play with. I am interested in raiding again, but it's not a priority.


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100 Human Paladin
Welcome! There are lots of gulids that take newbies, my guild included.

Here is a site that has a list of some (not all) of the guilds on the server including their websites and contact information.


As for getting into RP you might also join the channel if you haven't /joinallianceooc

Happy adventuring!
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93 Night Elf Hunter
As Genevra said, AllianceOOC is a great place to start; if you /join AllianceOOC, you'll get to meet the vast majority of roleplayers on the server, and perhaps find the right kind of guild for your character(s). Don't hesitate to ask around there. :)

Also, welcome back!
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