Love in wow

So, im writing this thread to see if according to lore, A human and a Night Elf, could be together in love, If not I'll just race change to Night Elf and realm change... But anyway's If you can/can't please explain why, or add a link to lore so I can see why. Thanks ^.^
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85 Human Mage
Well... Alleria fell in love with Turalyon and had a son:

Vareesa, (High Elf) had a son with Rhonin...

So it would not be too far-fetched for Night Elves, a "cousin race" of the High Elves to fall in love with Humans and vice versa.
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Thanks for the post :) Ill go check that out.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
There's only one real problem that I can see.

The two elves mentioned are(as far as I know), High/Blood elves. Night Elves live significantly longer than both of those. So a relationship with a human would have to be taken on with the knowledge that the human would die much much much sooner than the elf would.

In my opinion, it would have to be the Night Elf's decision whether or not they would want to take on that relationship, knowing that their love would die long before they would, and that they would have to live with their memories.

It's things like that that you would have to weigh.
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72 Blood Elf Death Knight
I would not like to to know that if i was the Night Elf.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
01/10/2011 4:16 PMPosted by Andianton
So it would not be too far-fetched for Night Elves, a "cousin race" of the High Elves to fall in love with Humans and vice versa.

On the contrary to their shared heritage, the culture of the Kaldorei have a much more reserved regard for relationships. Couple that with their xenophobia and the historical example that while High Elves sold away their magic to human kingdoms like it wasn't a big deal, the Night Elves haven't taught druidic magic to the Alliance or humanity at large. That's a pretty good example of why the two cultures are different in their interaction with other races are different.

And for a cherry to top it all, there's Slaye's point about the massive contrast between their ages.

I apologize, Cartime and fellow readers/posters, if I seem biased to one view. I actually don't believe there's anything that forbids two realistic characters with emotions from falling for each other. But I think you should know there's very minimal to zero support for such a relationship easily occurring. So you can write/RP such a relationship to happen, just understand it isn't a cultural norm.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/10/2011 4:51 PMPosted by Feydran
So it would not be too far-fetched for Night Elves, a "cousin race" of the High Elves to fall in love with Humans and vice versa.

On the contrary to their shared heritage, the culture of the Kaldorei have a much more reserved regard for relationships. Couple that with their xenophobia and the historical example that while High Elves sold away their magic to human kingdoms like it wasn't a big deal, the Night Elves haven't taught druidic magic to the Alliance or humanity at large. That's a pretty good example of why the two cultures are different in their interaction with other races are different.

And for a cherry to top it all, there's Slaye's point about the massive contrast between their ages.

I apologize, Cartime and fellow readers/posters, if I seem biased to one view. I actually don't believe there's anything that forbids two realistic characters with emotions from falling for each other. But I think you should know there's very minimal to zero support for such a relationship easily occurring. So you can write/RP such a relationship to happen, just understand it isn't a cultural norm.

You still remember me as Slaye. :D

>_> I'll stop being offtopic now.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
01/10/2011 4:54 PMPosted by Hyolia
Garona proved that Draenei and Orcs are genetically compatable, and since she was genetically compatable with Medivh, a Human, shows that even Draenei and Humans are compatable. None of those three species even originate on the same PLANET.

Woah woah! Who said anything about CHILDREN! *schoolgirl blush*

Just kidding. And I wish that slap-genetics-in-the-face quote above wasn't true, but it does prove your point regarding lore and interracial offspring. If the OP isn't interested in having children, he could also take into account the low chance of conception typical to long living elves in fantasy.

You still remember me as Slaye. :D

>_> I'll stop being offtopic now.

Lol! Yup, I'm surprised by how small the community in this forum really is; I see a lot of familiar posters and I've only been active here for a short time.

Do you prefer one or the other? And I assume this means you had a name change then?
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85 Night Elf Warrior

You still remember me as Slaye. :D

>_> I'll stop being offtopic now.

Lol! Yup, I'm surprised by how small the community in this forum really is; I see a lot of familiar posters and I've only been active here for a short time.

Do you prefer one or the other? And I assume this means you had a name change then?

I transferred to WrA from Ravenholdt and Slaye was taken there(by a Gnome Rogue) so I had to pick another name. I don't particularly prefer one or the other.
Edited by Slywyn on 1/10/2011 6:15 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Mage
01/10/2011 6:15 PMPosted by Slywyn

I transferred to WrA from Ravenholdt and Slaye was taken there(by a Gnome Rogue) so I had to pick another name. I don't particularly prefer one or the other.

Ahh, neat! I've been making alts there to fulfill my love of gnomes and to experience RP in a setting more populated than Sentinels. If I cross you in Stormwind I'll say hello.

01/10/2011 6:16 PMPosted by Hyolia
Why do you think I used the term "genetically viable/compatable" instead of "able to have kids"? *awkward turtles*

I don't know very much of your character, but interestingly enough that's exactly what I would imagine her answering!
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64 Worgen Death Knight
a wow comic had a half night elf-??? i don't see a problem with it
Edited by Davington on 1/13/2011 3:48 PM PST
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85 Worgen Warlock
There are no barriers with true love. Don't worry about the kid thing. Draenei are immortal space goats from the other side of the universe, and have produced children with Orcs, a race with a lifespan roughly equal to a human of an entirely different planet.
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It could happen, but the NE would have to understand their partner will die in less than 100 years. Also, as NE don't really age like humans do... how might they respond to their partner getting old and decrepit, while they're still young looking and fertile?

I could see it happening, though. Especially on the battlefield where the future is uncertain. Both could expect to die, and giving into love's irrationality wouldn't carry the drawbacks it otherwise would.

As a human, I would probably plan to put myself into a situation where I'd be dead by 60 if not sooner. Like, recklessly fight or put myself against impossible odds. Secretly, of course. Maybe it's shallow, but I wouldn't want an NE to endure the hardships of my insidious decrepitude. I know I'm not looking forward to it. :\
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85 Night Elf Druid
The answer is yes, but once again the porbability of a night elf and human entering a relationship is astronomical.
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81 Draenei Warrior
I don't mean this personally against you OP, so forgive me if it seems it.

However, it seems you suffer slightly from "Special snowflake"-itis

Based on the other opinions of this thread, do as you wish. However, remember the best RPers play nobodys.
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85 Human Mage
I don't mean this personally against you OP, so forgive me if it seems it.

However, it seems you suffer slightly from "Special snowflake"-itis

Based on the other opinions of this thread, do as you wish. However, remember the best RPers play nobodys.

While I think it's cool for people to RP as nobodies, that does not automatically make you the best. Because... frankly, in lore, we are adventurers and in Borean Tundra, we are "too important to wait in line" when you sign up for the Alliance Army. You can a non-nobody while not being a special snowflake. Just how you go about it is what decides that or not.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Night elves are pretty xenophobic. They have lived by themselves for thousands of years and have only recently been introduced to the other races. Those few years may seem like a long while for us, for a night elf, it's nothing but a blink of an eye.

Of course, a night elf can fall in love with whoever she pleases, but keep in mind their lifespans. A night elf isn't going to waste his or her time dealing with petty relationship BS. She isn't going to cry over some guy because she's lived long enough to know that it isn't worth it.

Use your better judgement and keep in mind their lifespans before attempting a relationship with a non kaldorei.
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