Love in wow

85 Orc Warrior
01/10/2011 4:54 PMPosted by Hyolia
Garona proved that Draenei and Orcs are genetically compatable, and since she was genetically compatable with Medivh, a Human, shows that even Draenei and Humans are compatable. None of those three species even originate on the same PLANET. A Human and a Night Elf, by comparison, are quite a mundane pairing.
Um, I think Garona was half human, not half draenei. (Though your still right since there's a half orc half draenei in the ogre camps of nagrand.) And also I think you meant Khagdar, not Medivh, although I read that book ages ago.
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81 Night Elf Druid
Garona was half Draenei, half Orc.

Med'an, son of Medivh and Garona, was therefore, quarter Draenei, quarter Orc, and half Human
Edited by Evenni on 1/14/2011 4:25 PM PST
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