Can't help but love this server

100 Human Mage
So between work and real life I haven't been able to get on WoW much this week, when I did get on I found that my account was hacked and all my gear was gone. I put in a ticket and waited while Blizzard did it's thing. Re-installed the authenticator (as I stopped using one after my last phone was busted in a move and had to jump through hoops for Blizz to let me back into my account) and changed my password. Blizzard answered my ticket and all was right in the World of Warcraft... until I found that they were able to get all my "junk" back but almost none of my actual gear. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't running in super 700+ilvl gear... I'm just not that hardcore. I was sitting at about 670 though and content with working my way up further into the raids. But now with out even half of my gear I was at a lost of what to do. Can't do quest because I already did them. Can't raid... don't have the gear. So following the advice of some people from the server I went and used my apexis crystals for some 650 gear... and was able to fill a few slots. But sadly I was still a weapon short and my ilvl was a joke compared to what is was before... and even then it was that impressive (670 remember).

But then the one thing I would never have expected happened, the fine people from the server... those in the AllianceOOC channel started offering to help me re-gear... to escort me to help get gear... they started crafting me gear to help me get back in the rat race... Currently I'm back to around 655ilvl, and while I'm not where I was I am a hell of a lot closer. I never expected this kind of support from the server... a guild maybe, but from a server it self was some thing special. I thank you all for your help and support. I have been playing WoW since about a year after it's release and have NEVER seen such love from a server. Thank you all and I can honestly say you all are the only reason I will be staying with WoW and not just calling it quits.

Thank you.
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you for sharing your story and for your kind words!
I'm happy that people were able to help and that things are looking a bit brighter.
Getting your account hacked sucks. <.>

^.^ If I may echo your sentiment, I have also had much the same experience on this server.
<3 CC is full of some truly wonderful people, and it's in-part because of them that I'm still around.

Keep it up CC!
*confetti* \o/
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100 Undead Priest
((That's great! I'm really glad to hear about people helping each other out on CC.))
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100 Draenei Paladin
The folks here and the general friendliness of the AllianceOOC crew are what makes this server great. Glad to hear you're on your way to being back on your feet.
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100 Tauren Monk
I'm seriously glad to hear this. Excellent to have a good-news story.

Let me add this: If anyone needs anything crafted on the Horde side, message me in-game. Necri and Idolon are my mains on CC. I can craft pretty much anything at WoD levels (I have the most mats for leatherworking and blacksmithing right now). I'll do what I can.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Love hearing stories like this...makes the whole evening of Anal {_____} seem less annoying.
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