Catching up with Walking with the Elements

100 Tauren Shaman
Wanted to attend the latest Walking with the Elements, but something came up? Missing out on lessons because you're a member of the Alliance, or reside on a different realm?

Now you can read up on each weekly lesson, so you don't need to miss out on all the learning!

Just visit

Contained there is a picture of the week's location, as well as the text of the week's lesson. Keep in mind that the written lesson may have been tweaked slightly when delivered, but the information and lessons remain the same.


Walking with the Elements, a weekly lesson on Shamanism, the Elements, and how we interact with them, happens every Friday at 7pm server. The location varies each week, so keep an eye out for announcements on Friday night, or message Thaettir to receive a calendar invite.
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36 Goblin Shaman
Thanks, I appreciate this. Timezones are making it ever more unlikely I can attend, despite my wishes.
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