My shipyard will predict the GOP primary

100 Night Elf Rogue
So this was a bit of a joke in the OOC channel - but in finding a theme for my ship names, I decided on something where I would never run out of things to name my ships:

2016 GOP Candidates.

Leaving aside that I quickly needed oil at about the second I did this, I've decided that my bellwether is just as good as any - so I submit that my shipyard will predict the GOP primary through process of elimination. As ships go down, I'll strike them from the list so that you'll have the inside track as to who is going to win this crazy thing.

Three rules with this:
- PLEASE no political debates in this thread. This is a fun little thing and I'd like not to see it turn into a discussion which is better reserved for another forum. Rand Paul's tax plan or Scott Walker's idea for fixing illegal immigration doesn't matter here - all that does matter is their respective ship's ability to defeat the various Hordes on the high seas of Draenor.
- I will not send ships on suicide missions. I will try to give them the very best chance that I can, which typically means that I use a threshold of 92-95%. These names will not be removed quickly, and I haven't lost a ship yet.
- I will not "dry dock" ships unless there are no missions out there that I can get to the threshold mentioned above. Every ship will be sent out to the extent that I can keep to that threshold.

With that said, here are the ships!

Updated as of 10/11/15:

- The Ben Carson (Destroyer) <Status: Sunk - 8/16/15>
- The Carly Fiorina (Transport) <Status: Afloat>
- The Jeb Bush (Battleship) <Status: Sunk - 9/13/15>
- The Rand Paul (Battleship) <Status: Sunk - 10/14/15>
- The Scott Walker (Destroyer) <Status: Sunk - 9/3/15>
- The Donald Trump (Transport) <Status: Sunk - 11/4/15>
- The Lindsey Graham (Submarine) <Status: Afloat>
- The Ted Cruz (Submarine) <Status: Sunk - 10/8/15>
- The Marco Rubio (Carrier) <Status: Sunk - 8/5/15>
- The Mike Huckabee (Carrier) <Status: Afloat>
- The Rick Santorum (Destroyer) <Status: Sunk - 11/27/15>
- The Chris Christie (Carrier) <Status: Sunk 10/19/15>
- The Bobby Jindal (Battleship) <Status: Sunk 10/11/15>
- The John Kasich (Destroyer) <Status: Sunk 10/14/15>
- The George Pataki (Submarine) <Status: Afloat>
- The Joad Cressbeckler (Fleet's Tugboat)
Edited by Kyalin on 11/27/2015 8:08 AM PST
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100 Human Rogue
*Stares intently and waits to see who sinks first*
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100 Night Elf Rogue
The fleet has just launched two new carriers!

- The Marco Rubio
- The Mike Huckabee

Still no sinkings - because this thing is going to drag.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
The candidate I was admittedly favoring went down this morning.

The Marco Rubio is no more - but the Donald got away!

The Marco Rubio will be replaced by The Chris Christie - who jumped in front of Santorum because I waved a tasty pastry (actually because Christie made the cut for the debate, and Mr. Santorum did not).
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Neurosurgeons evidently don't make good ship captains.

Ben Carson is out of the running. The Rick Santorum has just been launched as a replacement.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
They said it was the least exciting sinking ever, but the Scott Walker slipped below the waves today.

The John Kasick will be replacing it. I will be striking George Pataki and Bobby Jindal if nothing sinks in the next two weeks.
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100 Gnome Priest
This is such a silly thing, yet I find myself grinning when I see it's been updated. ^.^
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I know how silly it is. :) But I feel the same way. I am secretly wishing for my ships to go down, even as I am trying as hard as I can to keep them up.

Also, hello downvote fairy. Your presence has not gone unnoticed.
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100 Human Rogue
It's decidedly amusing. Also ignore them, some people like to be snitty and downvote no matter the subject because of the person posting it.
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100 Draenei Paladin
I love it - can't wait to see who wins!
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100 Gnome Mage
Oh man, I so look forward to this.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
To those who don't like political dynasties, fear no more. The Jeb Bush went down today!

The Bobby Jindal is taking his place.
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100 Draenei Mage
So Scott Walker is dropping out after his boat sunk.

I have a feeling this is going to turn out to be very accurate, and it will be amazing :P
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100 Night Elf Rogue
The Ted Cruz went down today.

You could say it was hit by a.... cruise missile.

The George Pataki takes its place, leaving us with our final ten.
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100 Human Rogue
10/08/2015 07:03 PMPosted by Kyalin
The Ted Cruz went down today.

You could say it was hit by a.... cruise missile.

The George Pataki takes its place, leaving us with our final ten.

That was bad, you should feel bad ><
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/08/2015 07:03 PMPosted by Kyalin
The Ted Cruz went down today.

You could say it was hit by a.... cruise missile.

The George Pataki takes its place, leaving us with our final ten.

That was bad, you should feel bad ><

You're right, I forgot the finishing touch.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Well, the Bobby Jindal went down.

Show of hands, who was surprised by that?

Nine ships to go! No replacements as there are no more candidates in reserve!
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100 Tauren Druid
are you gonna supply filler ships so as to give the remaining ships a similar "chance" as the previous ones who had access to a full roster?
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100 Gnome Priest
10/11/2015 10:29 PMPosted by Nemestrinus
are you gonna supply filler ships so as to give the remaining ships a similar "chance" as the previous ones who had access to a full roster?

I find myself not sure how to feel about being very interested in the answer to this question.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
10/11/2015 10:29 PMPosted by Nemestrinus
are you gonna supply filler ships so as to give the remaining ships a similar "chance" as the previous ones who had access to a full roster?

Yes, they just won't be named. I sort of have to keep a full list of ships to allow for the maximum number of missions each day.

Edit: Presidential candidate ships will be prioritized in the pecking order for which ones will be sent out of course.
Edited by Kyalin on 10/12/2015 12:19 AM PDT
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