[A- Raid] Conclave's Clustercuss Conglomerate

100 Human Paladin
What: Conclave's Clustercuss Conglomerate, a raid team that has fun adventures for fun!

Who: YOU! (Maybe? Are you less worse than me? Then it could be you!)

When:Thursday nights from 5-8p server - try to be there 15 minutes earlier... punctuality is important.

Other Things: ilevel preferred 690ish*, bring your own food and flask, take a few min to Google the fights (it's not that hard, if I can do it, so can you!)

So talk to me in game about the Triple C adventure! We have tanks, but are in need of healers and DPS. No need to join the guild to join the fun**!

*ish implies + or - five levels
**Actual definition of fun may vary
Edited by Genevra on 8/1/2015 3:58 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Warlock
So we're not the Conclavengers anymore?
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100 Human Paladin
08/04/2015 09:11 AMPosted by Valmy
So we're not the Conclavengers anymore?

The Conclavengers run Conclave's Clustercuss Conglomerate.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/04/2015 04:50 PMPosted by Genevra
08/04/2015 09:11 AMPosted by Valmy
So we're not the Conclavengers anymore?

The Conclavengers run Conclave's Clustercuss Conglomerate.

Ah! That makes sense.
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