Box Social Aug 2, 6 pm

100 Human Paladin
How a box social works:

We alternate between men and women furnishing the lunches. This time it's the lady's turn.

They put together a picnic lunch and then give a written description of the "container" the lunch is in to the auctioneer. The person making the lunch keeps all the food until after it is sold then they join the winning bidder and have lunch. If you could send the description ahead of time to Gentyl that would be even better. The auctioneer will auction it off and the lucky lady who wins the lunch gets to have a picnic lunch with the man who donated it.

1. Pia is furnishing pets with each lunch. The prices vary, but there will be no rats or cockroaches in the lunches! I'm not going to give a price minimum because the prices fluctuate so wildly, suffice to say we will try to get nice pets for our lunch donors and buyers.

We'll have some moderate value pets also so everyone gets a chance to participate, but if you are a pet collector, this might be a great opportunity.

The resulting proceeds will be used to promote rp events, donate care packages to newcomers, those who need help, and support other rp guilds with projects. Pia keeps all the proceeds from fund raisers in a separate account just for this purpose.


1. The person furnishing the lunch keeps the lunch items and they are matched with the donor at the conclusion of the auction.

2. Yes, you need to pay for the lunch prior to receiving the item you purchased.

3. The maker of the lunch being bid on is kept anonymous. If you want someone in particular to get it you can slip the description to them to make sure they bid on the right lunch.

4. Yes, you can have someone else bid for you if you can't be there.

5. Yes, you can have lunch with the person who made the lunch at another, mutually agreeable time.

6. To be held in the grassy area behind the Recluse. If you can't fly, we will provide transportation.
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100 Human Warrior
Thank you for hosting this like you do every year, Gentyl. Had a lot of fun.

Can't wait until its the Men's turn so Foravin can go-up.

Thanks again.
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