End of Expansion RP and you

100 Human Rogue
I found this kind of nifty so thought I'd point folks at it.

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100 Tauren Druid
pointing is rude you know, was a good read otherwise.
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100 Worgen Warlock
I do admit that this became something of a pickle for me in the last couple of expansions, especially considering how long the final raids lasted (both ICC and SoO were there for a year before Cataclysm and Warlords, respectively). I would figure that maybe after the first...two months, three tops, of the last raid, we consider it done. There was a fellow or two at the Lounge Night last night who commented on things on Draenor "quieting down", though...
Edited by Valmy on 8/9/2015 10:15 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
08/09/2015 10:15 AMPosted by Valmy
I would figure that maybe after the first...two months, three tops, of the last raid, we consider it done. There was a fellow or two at the Lounge Night last night who commented on things on Draenor "quieting down", though...

Not sure how it ever worked Horde side but in the past alliance side we generally waited until someone had killed it on one of the difficulties. At that point we'd just play it off as the rest of the forces (the demons and orcs in Tanaan in this case) as simple remnants after the big boss's defeat. Something that has happened recently since I believe Fruit's downed Archimonde.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/09/2015 06:05 PMPosted by Nemestrinus
08/09/2015 10:15 AMPosted by Valmy
I would figure that maybe after the first...two months, three tops, of the last raid, we consider it done. There was a fellow or two at the Lounge Night last night who commented on things on Draenor "quieting down", though...

Not sure how it ever worked Horde side but in the past alliance side we generally waited until someone had killed it on one of the difficulties. At that point we'd just play it off as the rest of the forces (the demons and orcs in Tanaan in this case) as simple remnants after the big boss's defeat. Something that has happened recently since I believe Fruit's downed Archimonde.

*nod* That's how *I* would normally look at it, but I know some people prefer to at least have a look themselves before they say "that's all, folks".
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100 Gnome Priest
For reference, the last time we had a discussions about this on our forums:


My stance has changed a little bit since then since I'm down with waiting until at least all of LFR is finished, but then I don't have other events I'm worried about.

Except for the whole "how long can we RP post-HFC before Legion gets here...." I don't think any of us in that thread realized just how long a wait it would be for 6.0.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/09/2015 06:44 PMPosted by Derscha
Except for the whole "how long can we RP post-HFC before Legion gets here...." I don't think any of us in that thread realized just how long a wait it would be for 6.0.

From what I heard in the Legion announcement, we will NOT be waiting that long again. We'll see, though.
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100 Tauren Druid
08/10/2015 06:59 AMPosted by Valmy

From what I heard in the Legion announcement, we will NOT be waiting that long again. We'll see, though.

I sure aint holdin my breath.
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100 Human Rogue
08/10/2015 07:19 AMPosted by Nemestrinus
08/10/2015 06:59 AMPosted by Valmy

From what I heard in the Legion announcement, we will NOT be waiting that long again. We'll see, though.

I sure aint holdin my breath.

This, we still have 3 months left in 2015, assuming they release Beta next month (Not counting on it) I'm assuming we still have a good 5-6 months left in WoD
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/10/2015 10:33 AMPosted by Kordrion
This, we still have 3 months left in 2015, assuming they release Beta next month (Not counting on it) I'm assuming we still have a good 5-6 months left in WoD

Well, I've heard it two different ways - one is that we're getting it around the end of the year or the beginning of next (which means the beta will be soon-ish), or that the beta will start before the end of the year and it'll be sometime next spring.
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100 Dwarf Shaman
Nice article, and helpful conversation.

Some ideas for post-HFC Draenor, though:

Typical mopping-up of things. The back of resistance has been broken in places like Shattrath and Tanaan, but the Sargeri and their masters don't flee. The fight isn't over, and the rebuilding has barely begun.

I'm hoping that I can get Heart of the Naaru in recruiting mode by then, and Rhudran has plans as well. Here's hoping, right?
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100 Orc Warrior
in wrath and cata it was easy to decide when to say it was over because of the monuments that showed the last cutscene (deathwings jaw in capitals) (statue in dalaran). I guess now a good rule of thumb would be to wait until after the entire raid is available in LFR, how long after varies I guess.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/23/2015 11:20 AMPosted by Kròm
in wrath and cata it was easy to decide when to say it was over because of the monuments that showed the last cutscene (deathwings jaw in capitals) (statue in dalaran). I guess now a good rule of thumb would be to wait until after the entire raid is available in LFR, how long after varies I guess.

That is the trouble, there's no real public place for such trophies, since Stormshield and Warspear are so busy. There's just the chronicler in your garrison.
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