Amazeballs Market - Darkmoon Faire

100 Gnome Warlock
*tiny wave*

Yes, hello! I think we have finally finalized the details of our first Amazeballs Market!

Where the fel is it? It will be held at the Darkmoon Faire (great idea Liyu!) near the boardwalk!
When the heck is it taking place? Thursday, August 6 @ 7:30PM (server time!)
What in the whirly-gig is this Amazeballs Market? It's a place for people to buy and sell their amazeballs wares. Everything from bagels to bots to armor!

Hope to see ya there!

((OOC - This is right after the Feathers Open Office. There could be one vendor, or there could be six hundred (not really!)'s just a fun market to see if there is interest in an event like this. If there is, then I'd look at running one monthly or twice monthly. :) ))
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100 Worgen Druid
Well, this does indeed sound wonderful to put my name back out there and I would absolutely love to be there. Unfortunately I have no wares to sell at this time since I have just completed an order and have not been able to replenish my stock. Perhaps I will have enough to set up shop next time.

((Really great idea! Unfortunately I have an early morning to get to tomorrow and will not be attending, but I would absolutely love to go to this event. I would be interested in twice a month, but I like the idea of combining this with DMF as well. I do plan on having leather skins and will take orders for Leatherworking when I can set up a booth next time, hope there is enough interest this time around to keep it going!))
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((This event went fabulously! I look forward to another Market some time in the future!))
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