To Cenarion Circle

85 Orc Warrior
Hello CC,

Im looking to transfer to a a new server. Im currenly on a very very low pop PVP server. The only good thing going for Kalecgos servers is the #5 ranked US Horde Guild 'Cuties Only' #20 World rank. Im looking for a mature guild probably 30 and over people who are looking to raid or is raiding. Im a tank with average 333 ilvl gear. So Im wondering what people's take on this server is... Yeah, its a big jump from a PVP to RP server... Ill have to deal with that if i come here.... Like to hear from you CC.


Edited by Ripcurl on 1/13/2011 5:10 PM PST
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85 Orc Death Knight
Dont come we have very bad players named Kouzy and Grimmjaww, we blow chunks at PvP and PvE is very lackluster. But if you can deal with the baddies, the sub-par PvP, and okay raiding but not really, THAN CC IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Thats horde side in a nutshell alliance is much better i hear.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
To be very honest, it is not a good idea to transfer to this server for the goal of raiding, or for PvP. Firstly this battlegroup isn't very good for PvP from what I hear. Secondly, even though we have "raiding guilds", they aren't exactly the hardcore variety that typically show up on normal or PvP servers.

I personally like the server, because the people are great as people, but the skill level just isn't there overall.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
The atmosphere is vastly different from a PvP server, and I'm not quite sure why you're looking to an RP server for PvE progression -- usually the type of server known to have lackluster raiding opportunities.

You would be happier on a Normal server, or, if you love the PvP scene, another PvP server.

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I tend to agree with the others Ripcurl, if you're looking for l33t, this is not the place for you. We've got a lot of solid players, but that's not the focus here, and coming with a desire to be the "Big Fish in a Small Pond" isn't going to win you any awards - and I definitely get that vibe from your post.

No disrespect, just, we're probably not what you're looking for. Good luck in your hunts though.
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85 Goblin Death Knight
01/13/2011 5:10 PMPosted by Ripcurl
Hello CC,

Im looking to transfer to a a new server. Im currenly on a very very low pop PVP server. The only good thing going for Kalecgos servers is the #5 ranked US Horde Guild 'Cuties Only' #20 World rank. Im looking for a mature guild probably 30 and over people who are looking to raid or is raiding. Im a tank with average 333 ilvl gear. So Im wondering what people's take on this server is... Yeah, its a big jump from a PVP to RP server... Ill have to deal with that if i come here.... Like to hear from you CC.




If you're wanting to come here like Plain said it is sounds like you want to be a big fish in a small pond. I disagree, you seem like a normal player.

Cenarion Circle has average / moderate players. We're not the best, nor the worst.

There are decent PvP'rs over here, and decent raiders. The top raiders over here however are similar to the casual / laid back raiders on the larger servers. Make your choice wisely.
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85 Orc Warrior
Yeah, Im not a Hardcore Player, I do work 40 hours a week lol. Im looking for a guild that is raiding though on the hordeside.

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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hey Rip, if you come to Cenarion Circle, we'd most definitely welcome you; we always want nice, fun-to-be-around people.

The realm supports a couple "higher end" raiding guilds per faction (would only be one per faction like Wyrmrest Accord if not for our high population), but in general, an RP realm isn't going to be where you'll go to practice bleeding-edge raid progression. People here get it done eventually, but we're fairly laid back as a realm in general, and you're likely to find just as many people hanging out in Orgrimmar or Stormwind doing some spontaneous RP as you are to find people raiding.

Come if you want a cool crew of people to play with. If you want to push raid content, there might be other realms that are more your style.
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01/14/2011 5:02 PMPosted by Ripcurl
Yeah, Im not a Hardcore Player, I do work 40 hours a week lol. Im looking for a guild that is raiding though on the hordeside.

heh, in that case, come on down.

Get yourself a character story (I was raised by goblins in Tanaris, I'm very tan, and can sell sand to crabs" is a good one, that I believe hasn't been used yet...), and jump on in.

If you're looking for "competent but casual" then this server is golden. Enjoy your stay!
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