[H] 10 man guild LF ranged DPS

90 Troll Rogue
In particular we need mages and warlocks of any spec, preferably with a bit of raid experience and some decent (>333) gear. Our raid times are likely to be 6-9, FRI/SAT. Also interested in hearing from elemental shaman, shadow priests, and hunters. Contactable by tells or letters to Tritiøn, or by responding to this thread.

For clarification, the guild is Venomlust.
Edited by Jagjit on 1/20/2011 11:11 PM PST
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90 Troll Rogue
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90 Troll Hunter
I'm still looking into finding a raid group (nothing solid yet, though a few nibbles and possibilities!), although I should specify that I'm a guild master (of one of the server's RP guilds). If you insist on in-guild-only, I'll have to pass, but otherwise, I'd certainly love to talk with you! Those raid times work very well for me -- I'm assuming they're server time. I haven't been in any of the Cata raids yet, though I am a Kingslayer so I've been around raids before. :)

As of this post, my average item level is roughly 347.
Edited by Poni on 1/22/2011 2:09 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Hey Poni! Well as for the guild group we do want to have the 8/10 for the guild achievements which means we will have 2 slots open for non guildies... That being said we do ahve a mutual friend who speaks highly of you and I have run a small amount of things with you before so I could say with a good amount of certainty that I could give yah one of those two slots :)

EDIT: Also as of now we are actually openly recruiting just to foster a little more of a friendly atmosphere and higher amounts of online activity in the guild so if anyone is looking for a good home we will certainly take them in.
Edited by Tritiøn on 1/20/2011 4:52 PM PST
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90 Troll Hunter
Well, let's definitely keep in touch. :) I'll be sure to keep you in mind when, as happens sometimes, people ask me about raiding guilds. I know a lot more about the RP guild community on CC, but occasionally the question does come up. Do kindly keep me up to date on plans as they form up.

Happy recruiting. :)
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90 Troll Hunter
Just peeking in to see whether you're closer to getting this going. :) I know you were looking for a Warlock. Any luck?
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90 Troll Hunter
Hmm, I guess you must have found someone. Good luck! (If you still do need me, just drop me a note in-game or here).
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