Greetings from WrA!

100 Troll Rogue
Hello! I've have been curious about your server. I have made alts on Horde side and have been leveling them at a steady rate. However I have a few..things I've noticed that is making myself a tad iffy and not giving it my full. The biggest I would have to say is the AH prices on Horde seem really..batdung insane from when I had a look. It was going to be really expensive just to get some stuff for RP. 4k-7k price range..really made me step back a tad.

Another thing I noticed, and I think this is just WoD though. (I hate this expansion..I really do.) seems really, really empty. Do hubs exist on Horde side? Or is it restricted to guilds and RP between friends?

These are just some of the things I'm iffy about.
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100 Dwarf Shaman
It's been tough to encourage people to RP on Draenor, just in general. I host a regular event in SMV, although sadly I don't know Orcish. I think little touches like usable furniture have been left out of key safe zones to make them accommodating for RP. Karabor lacks an interior entirely, Stormshield is packed with NPCs, garrison inns don't sell booze...

Oh, and did I mention some of the best inns lack usable furniture? And yet you can hang out in chairs in Shattrath while you wait for respawn. It's sad, really.
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100 Goblin Shaman
Both problems you mentioned- prices and emptiness- stem from a lack of population. We're much smaller than WrA, and Hordeside's the smaller RP faction on this server.

There aren't many hubs for walk-up RP, though the Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar has occasionally served in the past. People are online- there's just so few of us the odds of meeting by accident are slim. We rely a bit more on using our global /HordeOOC channel and scheduled open events to meet other roleplayers.

The server is most active in the evening, from 6pm PST onward.

Also, chairs? Try fitting a tauren into one of the goblin chairs in Hardwrench. It's hilarious.

Current active Hordeside events:

Tuesdays, 7pm - Da Doctas Clinic
An open Clinic held near the Cata portals in Orgrimmar, people also come by to hang out and chat.

Fridays, 7pm - Walking with the Elements
A short weekly lesson on elements of shamanism hosted by Theattir. Location varies weekly.

Saturdays, 7pm - AAMS Horde Lounge Night
My own guild's weekly "Lounge" night, just a casual meeting for people to have drinks and chat. Located at Hardwrench Hideaway, Cape of Stranglethorn

Sundays, 5pm - Storytelling at Thunderbluff
A storytelling event hosted by Eleya and The Broken House

Sundays, after Storytelling (usually 6:30ish) - Confessions
Priest Ondolemar takes your confessions- nice place to chat with other people waiting their turn (or ticking off Ondolemar by coming by and NOT talking to him, heh). Not always held every week depending on player's schedule.
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100 Human Hunter
Welcome to CC! I don't play Hordeside a whole lot, so can't really answer your questions...just wanted to say hello. ;)
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100 Blood Elf Mage
AH prices are going to be indicative of the server as a whole, as all AHs were normalized to include both factions with 6.0. Please take a peek at the channels and events listed above to meet folks, though!
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100 Human Warlock
As Kezrin has mentioned, and it's almost certainly worth mentioning again, CC RP generally revolves around the HordeOOC channel and its sister channel AllianceOOC far more than any specific hubs. It's the best way to know when an event is happening, be it a scheduled regular one or impromptu RP occuring, or to find anyone else looking for RP at that moment, especially as people may be wiling away their time with some PvE or PvP content elsewhere in the world while they wait for some RP partners.

We do tend to treat the occupants of those channels as one big extended guild when it comes to the majority of RP. Of course, individual guilds may also run their own RP events for members, but generally most pick-up RP happens cross-guild - and, indeed, often cross-faction, with the AAMS* facilitating translation.

* This interview, although maybe a little dated now, explains the AAMS far better than I can:
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