LF Names

70 Night Elf Druid
Hi there,
My partner and I have decided to play our Horde characters on Cenarion Circle, but right now I'm having a hard time trying to get a nice, short name. I was wondering if anyone had a Chinese, Korean or Japanese name that they haven't leveled up and aren't really interested in using.

I've tried asking for GM help. Unfortunately, I was a little late to the party when they changed policy and started releasing names on mass. Right now I have nothing on Cenarion Circle to offer for such names. Part of me is hoping that someone might be willing to help me out from the good of their heart... eh, when I have gold, I might be able to make a better offer.

Names I'm kinda looking for (crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath):

Or anything similar. I'll be guilty of using this for a Pandaren. *Grins sheepishly.*

Anyway, thank you for any help or suggestions.
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100 Draenei Paladin
We're linked with Sisters of Elune- you may have better luck there if those are all taken on Cenarion Circle. Good luck!
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