Is there any interest in a Nature based guild

86 Night Elf Druid
Hey everyone, just dipping my foot in the water and seeing if anyone would be interested in starting up a nature based guild? I'm thinking Druids and shamans being the main focus, but still allowing other nature related classes or characters. I imagine the guild being run by more of a council of some sort. Anyone wanna throw some ideas out and would people be willing to joining us?

Thanks so much!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I don't mean to shoot things down, but I don't think niche guilds really work on CC - and I say this as the sad leader of one. If it's global? Maybe, but it's hard to really get people involved.

That said, I wouldn't be able to join, but I'll try to support you if you go for something like that. We Night Elves have to stick together.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
While Kyalin has a valid point, I think it extends to any start up guild on CC/SoE. I dont care what the server list says, we are NOT MEdium population. Its redic the difference between our realm(s) and Wyrmrest Accord population wise. We could really use to be merged with all the RP realms save WrA and Moonguard. Then we MIGHT be Medium pop.

That being said,,,I love your idea for a council run guild. Most fun I ever had in game was running one with 5 pals the ways you are talking during Cata. I would be very interested.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Kardin, your idea is fine and it’s not a “niche” guild. It’s no worse than a light centered, neutral or militant guild. You aren’t excluding other races; you just want to invite others that have a core love of nature. Many guilds have their own guidelines and backstories. Your idea perfectly normal and I wish you luck if you proceed with it.

Who knows, I might burn a tree just to aggravate your members.
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94 Human Monk
Ah the classic Cenarion Circle dilemma!

Awesome server, awesome people, easy to set up events and to RP to your heart's content, but hard to get enough people to do new ideas due to the limited number of people.

I got two bits of advice for you:
1) Run events!

This server thrives in it's events. If you are part of a larger guild, all you need to do is make the Nature Council be an IC thing and set up events and people will come.

2) Advertise

There was once a guild formed that thrived for a while that was formed by outsiders of the server via World's End Tavern. Try to get people to move into the server and you can keep asmall yet active guild alive.

Whatever you do, do not give up.
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