Looking for RP guild (Alliance)

100 Human Paladin
Hey everyone,

I have been on this server since Vanilla as I have hoped around a bit and stopped playing here and there, but now I am looking to have some fun with a casual guild that focuses on rping.

Was wondering if anyone could suggest a guild or guilds? I would love a guild that has connections with others for rping events as well as a themed guild such as a Paladin or Light themed guild I would like best.

Thank ahead of time for any suggestions or directions to go in.
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100 Gnome Priest
*confetti* \o/
Hello and welcome back!

This community's rp is mainly driven by events. Feel free to /join allianceooc, introduce yourself and poke around this forum. There should be a sticky of events, but also take a look at the Scholar Newspaper found here http://scholar.conclaveguild.org . It's an IC paper that's kept up to date every other week or so, and a list of ally/horde events are listed on the last page.

As for guild suggestions... well we're a small community so don't expect to find a myriad of specifically themed guilds, but from what you've mentioned I can suggest giving Pia Presidium and holler. They would be most fitting I think if you're geared toward Paladin/Holy Light based rp.

I can also suggest CONCLAVE ((\o/ shameless plug)) who is a society of scholars with the mission of preserving knowledge and histories of all kinds.

Other good people I can suggest looking at would be Feathers of Iron, Stormwind Union, AAMS Alliance Branch, ...and I know there are a few other's that escape me at the moment, so hopefully more people will chime in! These are all good people and worth looking into.

The biggest thing to remember, and I can't stress this enough, is that we're a community. Guild's matter, but what counts more (I think) is your willingness to engage across guild lines. Do this, and you can't ever go wrong. :D

Welcome back again! I look forward to seeing you around in-game.
Edited by Caileanmor on 8/30/2015 5:21 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
Hello! Welcome to the RP Scene (Or welcome back as the case may be)

The main guilds that come to mind when you say Paladin or Light based are Pia Presidium and Conclave. Pia Is a more light-based militaristic holy order type guild, while Conclave is more of a scholar-based guild. There are also some smaller guilds that have Light themes (Though the names are escaping me at the moment).

If you haven't already, join the chat channel AllianceOOC in game. Lots of the RPers on the server tend to frequent that channel and most would be more than happy to assist you in finding the right guild fit for you!

((Edit: *eyes Cail* Sneaky Sneaky gnome, slipping that post in there))
Edited by Belpha on 8/30/2015 5:24 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Shaman
Hello, and welcome back I guess!

I would be happy to help you find a guild if you like. Just ask for the Rhubug.
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