Archimonde Ring Upgrade items.

100 Dwarf Shaman
Hello denizens of Cenarion Circle.

Cutting to the chase, Im looking for a guild group that consistently clears Archimonde N/H on a weekly basis that will allow me to purchase a spot in the raid. I am capable of helping in the fight (I have the achieve and a 706 item level) or capable of mostly just staying out of the way. Personal Loot or Master Loot is fine. I don't care about getting the loot if you need it. Price is negotiable.

Im mostly just looking for a group that will get the kill fairly quickly and easily at a pretty much predictable time each week. I just want the upgrade items. I have been a hardcore raider in the past, and I just don't have the time or the drive for it anymore.

Please contact me through this forum, or in game if you can help me out at all.
Edited by Moridín on 9/20/2015 11:44 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Shaman
So, that's a no then?
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100 Night Elf Druid
Are you the same one that comes through my event weekly there Mr. Moridin?
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100 Dwarf Shaman
I am at that. I had almost forgotten about making this thread....
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