Finally decided to look for a guild

100 Human Warrior

I'm a long-time WoW player (I started back in vanilla) who took a break at the tail-end of WotLK until the tail-end of MoP (about a 5yr. break) and when I came back my home server (Emerald Dream) wasn't the friendly place it had been when I left. So I did some searching and decided to make Cenarion Circle my new home and I'm very happy I did. I tend to solo a lot, so I avoided looking for a guild, however I miss the social interaction of guild chat and the feeling of camaraderie between guild members. So that being said, I've decided to see what guilds are on the server and interested in new members, and I hope to find one that will work for me.

I'm looking for an established guild that has between 20 to 60 people, whose members are adults that enjoy being fun and irreverent, and have a good sense of humor. Casual raiding and questing together is nice but not required, but being friendly and chatty are.

Just as I have requirements for what I'm looking for in a guild, I'm sure each guild has it's own criteria, so here is a little bit about me.
I'm 31 years old, I'm generally a low-key person, and I enjoy chatting with friendly people and having fun. My main (Mordach) is a lvl 100 prot warrior and I occasionally raid tank with him, although I'm not very competitive so I prefer raids that are for fun and lack the stress of hardcore raiding. I don't pvp (mostly because I'm not very good at it), and I enjoy light RP from time to time, but I don't take it very seriously. I also have a lvl 100 ret pally (and a bunch of low-level alts, but I don't really count them).

Well, thanks for taking the time to read this and if I mesh with your guild, I'd love to hear from you.

Best Regards,

Mordach (aka David)
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100 Gnome Priest
Welcome Back!
\o/ *confetti*

You're welcome to come audit Conclave ^.^, see if we'll fit. Our door is always open to new and returned players. To be up front I'm not entirely certain how well we'd fit into your criteria though.

We're a light-medium RP guild. Our guild chat is ooc (out of character). We have a few members who flat out don't role play, and a few who rp rather casually, but we do have our rp events, story lines, and active characters. I've no idea how many actual players are in guild. I've never had the interest to know exactly to be honest. 10? 15ish? Maybe close to 20? All I know is that several of us have a number of alts that we'll bounce between, and there is usually two or three of us online at any given moment with that number obviously swelling during peak hours and depending on the day and time of year.

Feel free to pop by our guild site at and poke around our forums. If you're interested scroll down to the applications category and submit one! ^.^ You can usually find myself or Genevra in game, most days, during peak hours if you have any questions. If not a /who conclave (or maybe it's conlcave-cenarioncircle now?) search should help you find someone.

Good Luck and I hope you find a guild that fits! o/
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100 Human Rogue
There are quite a few guilds out there. Best bet would be to pop into AllianceOOC and ask about. Even if we may not quite have the guild that fits you, we can most likely point you in that direction!
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93 Human Warrior
Hi there, Mordach! It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope you enjoy your time here! :D

Actually, there are quite a few good guilds on here. But...though you don't need to spill your character's life story (that should come up in roleplay, after all!), it would be awesome if we had an idea as to your character's motivations. Is he a mercenary? Then he'd fit in well with Terra Incognita. Is he a former or current member of the Alliance military? Then the Stormwind Union would be a good fit (Stormwind Union also has PC civilians, who act as civilians, so it's not entirely police-based). Is your character a thinker? Then it would be Conclave, as they preserve knowledge. Playing a religious type? Pia roleplays a holy order. Are you a part of a large, organized family? The Crimson Blades are the place of choice. Are you a trader? AAMS is a cross-faction guild that specializes in item transfers between servers, but does so in an almost-always in character way. There are many others as well, but those are the main ones that I can think of off of the top of my head. One of the big-name guilds, Lluchduu Ocheliad, to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong, people! :P), has been disbanded ICly, and thus is no longer a roleplaying guild.

As Kord said, the AllianceOOC chat channel is the best place to start, if you're looking for a roleplaying guild. :) We'd be happy to guide you in the right direction.
Edited by Jhayden on 10/2/2015 6:52 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
Jhayden, Stormwind Union sounds like it might be a good fit for me. I play Mordach as career officer in the Alliance military, and with the campaign in Draenor he's become a respected naval commander. Who would I need to talk to about the possibility of joining?

Also, I'd like to thank everyone for responding, your input is most appreciated and makes me feel very welcome.
Edited by Mordach on 10/4/2015 5:41 PM PDT
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