Coming Soon to Theater: "Soul Fighter!"

100 Human Rogue
Lana Dalton finished putting up the last flyer for her play on the Stormwind billboard in the middle of the trade district. Her mage friend Karesard had helped her get around to the other capital cities so the process wouldn't take too long, but she was happy to only have one more portal jump to make her way home. She had a lot of writing to do...


Come One, Come All, to an all new Bards of the Lion production!


<image of two gladiators standing proud in the front and faded visages of an angry gruff old man and an attractive, cunning woman behind them>

A Powerful Weapon to protect the people, or A Life Free of Tyranny? The AUDIENCE DECIDES!

MOVED: Dalaran Underbelly Arena
POSTPONED: 17 November, 6pm

Special Thanks to our sponsors: Lord Lyere House's "House of Leathers", Ms. Lorisela Cogcrusher, and Feathers of Iron Catering!


((Roles we seek:

Main Characters (GHI addon greatly requested, but not required): Gladiator Shepherd, Gladiator Aren, Blacksmith Carter, Headmaster VonQui

Additional Characters: Other gladiator students, villagers, Narrator, GHI addon sound effects specialists, Special Effects spell casters))
Edited by Cerulana on 11/10/2015 6:13 PM PST
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100 Human Rogue
Just a reminder that tomorrow are the auditions! They will take place in Northshire Abbey at 1800, 6pm server time.

Looking for any melee weapon wielders, shadow magic users, engineers and blacksmiths! A short bio of each of the main characters:

Gladiator Shepherd: Sibling of Gladiator Aren, good hearted, seeking a path for all things good and righteous.

Gladiator Aren: seeker of glory and power, and doesn't care if he/she gets it by protecting a village from a big bad or slaughtering them for one.

Blacksmith Carter: an artist of weaponry and a frightful gladiator in his/her own right. Loves being known as the maker of the most powerful blades in the land.

Headmaster VonQui: evil, sadistic, Richard the warlock in female or male form. Nuff said.

We need plenty of extras for the beginning scenes as well! Hope to see some folks out there! :)
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100 Human Rogue
Thanks to all those who auditioned! You all were FANTASTIC! Rehearsals will be Tuesday, 3 Nov, 6pm server time, in Northshire, and again on 7 November at the same place and time. Coming in costume for your role is highly encouraged. Again: THANKS ALL!

Lana, after much deliberation over the tryouts, requests, and diverse strengths of each auditioner, makes her final note in her journal. So many people had come out to showcase their talents, and some of them had truly stunned her. She gazed down at the page for a final look before sending the letters of notification out:

Role: Actor, Understudy
Gladiator Shepherd: Everose, Jeraboh
Gladiator Aren: Jade Millan, Gavin Nalanthi
Blacksmith Carter: Ferundel, Jade Millan
Headmaster VonQui: Zaranae, Calent Miller
Narrator: Reichenbach, Lyere House

Other Gladiators - Jeraboh, Lyere House, Jansen Nordstum
Soldiers of the Light - Jeraboh, Lyere House, Calent Miller
Followers of the Dark - Gavin Nalanthi, Zaranae, Jansen Nordstrum
Villagers - Calent Miller, Lyere House, Jansen Nordstrum, Jeraboh

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100 Human Warrior
A new notice appears plastered over the play announcements on the city bulletin boards:




((because for whatever reason, Northshire doesn't allow dueling. Go figure. Same time for rehearsals and show time! Just different place.))
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100 Human Rogue
Yet another notice appears plastered over the play announcements on the city bulletin boards:


17 NOV 15


((It'll be epic, I swear...when we're ready.))
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100 Draenei Mage
It's tomorrow! Woooo!
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100 Human Rogue
Just want to say thank you to everyone who made it possible! That includes, the actors, the sponsors, the caterers, and the AUDIENCE! You all were great!

There will be a video posted in December for those who missed it. And to help with that, I ask that anyone who took screenshots of the event post/link them here so they can be included. Thanks again all!
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