RPing a NE Priestess of the Moon

85 Night Elf Druid
Alright, I've been having a dilemma, so I need help. As a NE fan, Tyrande has always fascinated me, and I really want to create a character that emulates her. I want to be a Priestess of the Moon who specialises in using Elune spells to deal damage from afar, not so much Holy healing.If it's you how will you play it out?

Will you:
-choose Night Elf Mage, go Arcane and pretend all the purple balls you blow out are "Lunar" spells

-choose Night Elf Druid, go Balance and use exclusively Arcane spells? Can be hard if you want to go raiding because of the new Eclipse bar which will definitely hurt your DPS.

-choose a purple Draenei with perky horns and hair that cover the ears, go Arcane

So far, I kind of like the Draenei idea because as long as I keep a robe on, my model actually looks like a Night Elf, but with nicer graphics. Also with Gift of Naaru, I can use "Elune spells" and yet heal myself as if I am a priest. However, my Draenei can't use STARFALL, which I feel is an important spell in my RP.

I need second opinions!
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28 Worgen Hunter
You could also roll a Night Elf priest.
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85 Night Elf Druid
01/25/2011 6:57 AMPosted by Gëtmastiffd
You could also roll a Night Elf priest.

Because I want to deal out Elune spells, which are purple and not gold? Look at Balance druids, their Arcane spells are "Lunar" spells that come from Elune. The only other match is arcane mage.
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93 Dwarf Paladin
Go spriest that the closest u gonna get because a priestess of the moon who isn't a priest looks dumb.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Night Elf priests, lorewise, are using exactly the spells you describe. They only heal with "The Light" for game mechanics reasons and because Blizzard is too lazy to make their spells look different.

If you want to be a Priestess of the Moon, roll a Priest. Don't try to shoehorn them into other classes.
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85 Troll Hunter
It might be pretty interesting to see a Priestess of the Moon played using a night elf hunt(ress) with the new starter pet. I wonder how many people have done that already.
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59 Human Warrior
The battle aspect of the Priestess actually fits survival/marksman Hunters very well (Marksman especially with the Trueshot Aura). Excluding Starfall and arguably Searing Arrows, the WCIII Priestess abilities were all Hunter-type, and after and even during the War of the Ancients the priestesses were women of war as well as healers and orators.
That being said, Priest is the other close match, and I would lean towards Discipline for the Priestess myself, that being the line that uses buffs and shields over direct healing without sacrificing the divine aspect for marginally better spell graphics.
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85 Night Elf Druid
i'd stick with priest class. hunter possibly as a second choice. if you can pretend another race/class is NE priest why not just pretend your spells have more of a "lunar glow"? i believe once, long, long ago, Blizz did give priests racial spells. but for some reason they took them out. not sure why. Disc would be a good first choice for your priest. you could even do shadow, if i remember correctly NEs don't view the use of that type of shadow magic as evil but merely apart of nature. after all their race dwells in the darkness & shadows.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Doesn't matter what you pick as long as you're stuck up, xenophobic and trigger happy....

Er I mean, priest or hunter are the best choices. and don't try that draenei thing.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
01/25/2011 06:54 AMPosted by Falibus
-choose Night Elf Druid, go Balance and use exclusively Arcane spells? Can be hard if you want to go raiding because of the new Eclipse bar which will definitely hurt your DPS.

I wonder this too
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06/09/2014 08:54 AMPosted by Demonicz
01/25/2011 06:54 AMPosted by Falibus
-choose Night Elf Druid, go Balance and use exclusively Arcane spells? Can be hard if you want to go raiding because of the new Eclipse bar which will definitely hurt your DPS.

I wonder this too

Holy necro man!
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100 Orc Warrior
Seriously... This thread is 3 years old.
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