Looking for Evil-aligned RP Group

100 Dwarf Death Knight
Hello All,

Tagnarr here is an evil-aligned RP character and I was looking for other evil-aligned RP characters or a RP guild that I could join to further nefarious activities across the server. Ideally, I am looking for a few people or a group of people (maybe a few people that would be willing to form a group) who want to be active as 'bad guys' for the end of WoD and moving into Legion. If you fit this description or have interest in this, please post below and give some feedback on that 'interest'.

I'd also like to clarify what I'm looking for in the players I'd like to group with. When I say 'evil' I am not saying 'murder, kill, eviscerate' - I am looking for folks willing to help create and run elaborate plots that will add to the RP of the server and draw multiple characters and guilds into the weavings.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
I would be very interested in this. As a matter of fact, I have been looking for something like this forever it seems. The darker side of the "Good Guys" / Alliance is what I am after. Cant' stand Horde, but don't want to play a Lawful Good - Goodie-2-Shoes neither. Do you use Real ID? Are you in the OOC chann?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
My human mage has been quiet for a bit, but I'm thinking she'll make a comeback in the leadup to Legion. She's become something of a human supremacist, and is vehemently anti-Horde - not only against them, but against anyone in the Alliance who even looks at them without stabbing them (she has also taken something of a critical eye to the Argent Crusade as a result, even though she was part of it in Northrend). She incited incidents of arson and assault against those who she deemed "traitors", and has narrowly escaped assassination a number of times herself.
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90 Human Warlock
I would be very interested in allowing this character to flex her muscles, so to speak. She will only partake in activities that further her own agenda somehow, but that doesn't mean she can't play 'nice' with the other children!
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100 Human Rogue
The other side of this are victims for the...more potent messages. I have a ton of toons I level but don't RP with often, and even most of my main RP toons don't play as super fighters. Let me know if you need something other than a level 1 alt to die or be captured for your cause =P
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100 Draenei Warrior
IC’ly you have two things going against you, in relation to my character. One, you’re a Death Knight, which to those that know, Noikona’s phobia of undead is quite severe. Two, our characters have met and we’ll just say it wasn’t a good interaction.

Noikona is my main and not an alt, this means dedicated RP vs splitting time for a character that may or may not be developed and a rich back-story that has been developed over the years.

Put aside the phobia and animosity, Noikona’s weakness is wealth and power. If the prize is great enough, who knows? I’m sure something could be worked out.
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100 Dwarf Death Knight
Thank you all for the feedback, and it sounds like there is some good interest out there. I would like to suggest an in game meeting, possibly for next Saturday (time and location to be decided) where evil characters can come together ICly and get a feel for each other. I would also like to see an OOC portion where folks who play evil characters can discuss some events, strategies for moving RP forward, and essentially how we'd like to influence the server in a dynamic method that can be met with discussion and instant feedback among peers.

If I'm shooting to far wide on this someone please let me know. But I feel like bringing our collective evil-interest player base together is important. Hopefully this meeting will at a least show who's interested and willing to be active on evil-aligned characters to further the RP state of CC.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
So we talking about (tentative) the 27th?
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100 Gnome Warlock
I am looking forward to hearing more about this.
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100 Night Elf Priest
*stares at everyone here and continues to poke and prod their minds*
Puppets. Lots of puppets. Yes.
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100 Human Death Knight
02/15/2016 09:24 PMPosted by Tagnarr
I would like to suggest an in game meeting, possibly for next Saturday (time and location to be decided) where evil characters can come together ICly and get a feel for each other.

At this meeting, will one of the topics be how to destroy superman?
...I also have this vision of everybody being punch-clock villains. >.>;

But seriously though, good luck with all of this. Might not have an evil character, but i'll try to help as i can.
Edited by Mariiku on 2/18/2016 4:54 PM PST
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100 Worgen Warlock
02/18/2016 04:53 PMPosted by Mariiku
02/15/2016 09:24 PMPosted by Tagnarr
I would like to suggest an in game meeting, possibly for next Saturday (time and location to be decided) where evil characters can come together ICly and get a feel for each other.

At this meeting, will one of the topics be how to destroy superman?

"It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman."
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100 Human Rogue
02/19/2016 02:45 PMPosted by Valmy
02/18/2016 04:53 PMPosted by Mariiku
At this meeting, will one of the topics be how to destroy superman?

"It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman."

LOL :p
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100 Dwarf Death Knight
We'll shoot to hold a meeting in Darkshire on the 27th at 6:30 PM Sever time.

For RP purposes, consider this the start of a rumor (only circulated amongst the darker circles) that there will be a meeting. As the week progresses, the time and place are also hinted at. One can't know for sure, but the most reliable of the few whisperings seem to point to Darkshire.

I very much look forward to seeing all who come. It will be interesting to see how all of the characters view each other and what the first impressions are on the RP side of things. The RP side of the conversation will likely be us testing the waters and seeing how far that 'trust' (hah) extends. After the initial RP, the three topics I would like to see discussed in the OOC portion of the meeting are:

What is our role on the server?
How do we facilitate dark RP of a creative and appealing nature?
How can we as self-interest (so it seems) driven characters work together to achieve something greater?

I think the last topic will be very interesting, since from the above discussion most of our characters tend to work and act as individuals with personal goals. From an RP perspective the challenge lies in creating incentive for each character to have interest in working with the others. From the OOC perspective, I'm sure the issue will come down to who is pulling strings and plotting out the moves. Personally, I have no problem playing the role of a 'lackey' or strong-arm as that more suits Tagnarr's character. What I'm curious about though is whether we can come to a consensus of being 'willing' to work together.

After watching X-Men First Class last night I'm inspired to leave you all with a thought: "Orwyn has friends, you could use some."

Thank you, and as always, feedback is appreciated!
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100 Orc Death Knight
All of the Alliance's dishonorable souls, gathered in one location?

Let the reaping begin!

...I should really get Modas for this.
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100 Gnome Warlock
02/20/2016 06:10 AMPosted by Tagnarr
We'll shoot to hold a meeting in Darkshire on the 27th at 6:30 PM Sever time.

For RP purposes, consider this the start of a rumor (only circulated amongst the darker circles) that there will be a meeting. As the week progresses, the time and place are also hinted at. One can't know for sure, but the most reliable of the few whisperings seem to point to Darkshire.

I very much look forward to seeing all who come. It will be interesting to see how all of the characters view each other and what the first impressions are on the RP side of things. The RP side of the conversation will likely be us testing the waters and seeing how far that 'trust' (hah) extends. After the initial RP, the three topics I would like to see discussed in the OOC portion of the meeting are:

What is our role on the server?
How do we facilitate dark RP of a creative and appealing nature?
How can we as self-interest (so it seems) driven characters work together to achieve something greater?

I think the last topic will be very interesting, since from the above discussion most of our characters tend to work and act as individuals with personal goals. From an RP perspective the challenge lies in creating incentive for each character to have interest in working with the others. From the OOC perspective, I'm sure the issue will come down to who is pulling strings and plotting out the moves. Personally, I have no problem playing the role of a 'lackey' or strong-arm as that more suits Tagnarr's character. What I'm curious about though is whether we can come to a consensus of being 'willing' to work together.

After watching X-Men First Class last night I'm inspired to leave you all with a thought: "Orwyn has friends, you could use some."

Thank you, and as always, feedback is appreciated!

Excellent! I'm looking forward to being there.

It will be interesting to see how Raven interacts with everyone in the IC portion, the loner that she is. I'll echo also that I have no problem playing 'lackey' with any of my characters. Where Raven is concerned I played her as an Apprentice to a Dark Master throughout most of her evolution. It wouldn't be a stretch to have her reassume a similar "follower" role again.

I know these questions are meant for the meeting, but if I may... I feel I might be better able to put some initial thoughts into words here and now rather than later.

I see our role on the server (as villains) as both facilitating and supporting Heroic Role Play. Perhaps more aptly put, that how I see "my" role.

>Whatever nefarious story I'm writing up and posting or evil act I commit while online I am fully prepared for a Heroic response. Actually I rather expect it in some form. In this way I feel I am facilitating Heroic RP, where the role of "hero" can be played by any type of character really. I'm not picky.

>Whenever there is a story being created by any other player where there needs to be someone to blame, fight, and/or defeat, I as a villain am here to fill that role as best as I can. Thus I am also supporting Heroic RP.

A villain exists purely for the purpose of defining the Hero of any tale. Interestingly the opposite can (but not always) also true. The more complex the tale (or characters) the more ambiguous these roles may become but this quality in their relationship remains constant. The one always defines the other, at least in some manner.

Admittedly I'm still rather new and unpracticed at this whole "writing for Role Play" thing. In many ways it just like writing any ol' story, but in other ways it's not. It can be a completely different animal and I'm still trying to figure it out. As a result I understand that my stuff isn't always all that creative or appealing, but it's something I'm always striving toward.

For that reason (among others) I am very looking forward to this meeting. For this to work I feel that there needs to be an air of collaboration created and promoted. A place where we can come together with ideas, creatively bang out heads together, and come up with something that we can all support and enjoy whatever it may be.

^.^ Go Team Darkside!
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100 Orc Death Knight
::sits on the roof of the inn, sharpening his runeblade::
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
02/20/2016 08:05 AMPosted by Hellhowl
All of the Alliance's dishonorable souls, gathered in one location?

Let the reaping begin!

...I should really get Modas for this.

<Quietly sits next to Hellhowl> "You called?"
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100 Undead Priest
02/20/2016 08:05 AMPosted by Hellhowl
All of the Alliance's dishonorable souls, gathered in one location?

Let the reaping begin!

...I should really get Modas for this.

<Quietly sits next to Hellhowl> "You called?"

*perches nearby, cloaked in shadow*
*boney fingers lightly tap an irregular rhythm*
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