Looking for Evil-aligned RP Group

100 Dwarf Death Knight
To offer a brief summary for those interested - the meeting was more or less a bust. Had 1 person show up (Thank you) and there was some good RP between characters, but that was about it.

If folks are still interested in this I will be happy to set up another meeting. I truly believe that evil RP and evil characters can add a lot to this server, but characters working as individuals only can go so far.

Let me know if folks would like to see this rescheduled.
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100 Gnome Warlock
For my part, I apologize for not attending. I could offer several reasons but they'd be moot. None of them stem from any lack of interest.

Don't let this poor turnout deter you. I will always endeavour to support (however I am able) attempts such as these. I really do feel strongly that the villains of this server need to unite in some form. ICly and/or OOCly. We should all coordinate on some level to positively affect RP from this end.

Please think about setting another date. Maybe make it a recurring meeting? Monthly? Bi-Weekly? I would love to see this continue forward.
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