((posted on message boards around the kingdom))
The Stormwind Watch invites you to a crime prevention meeting on Saturday, March 19th, 5pm ((server)) at the Golden Keg in the Dwarven District. Topics will include:
1. How to protect yourself from crime.
2. How to spot and report crime.
3. Learn what hazards lurk where in the kingdom.
4. Learn how to guard against threats such as mind control and intoxicated dragons.
Refreshments may be served, and participation prizes awarded.
Aware citizens are the first line of defense against crime! Attend and lend your support to keeping the kingdom safe!
Posted by order of:
Lieutenant Commander Orwyn
Stormwind Watch
((OOC this will be part useful info that can help IRL too, and part off the wall WoW problems we all face. Hope you can make it!))
The Stormwind Watch invites you to a crime prevention meeting on Saturday, March 19th, 5pm ((server)) at the Golden Keg in the Dwarven District. Topics will include:
1. How to protect yourself from crime.
2. How to spot and report crime.
3. Learn what hazards lurk where in the kingdom.
4. Learn how to guard against threats such as mind control and intoxicated dragons.
Refreshments may be served, and participation prizes awarded.
Aware citizens are the first line of defense against crime! Attend and lend your support to keeping the kingdom safe!
Posted by order of:
Lieutenant Commander Orwyn
Stormwind Watch
((OOC this will be part useful info that can help IRL too, and part off the wall WoW problems we all face. Hope you can make it!))