Seeking Guild (Horde)

23 Pandaren Warrior
Do you hate not having an additional member in your guild?
Do you dream of the day when you get to invite just ONE more player to your World of Warcraft guild?
Do you have the power to invite players?
If yes to any or all of these questions, then you've read the right forum! Luckily for you, there exists a player right for your needs! That's right: The young, strong, and fluffy Pandaren Warrior that you now know as Sunling. Yep, that's me. I'm funny, I'm smart, and most importantly, I won't raid your guild bank the moment you invite me. (This is why bank restrictions exist people!) I am also a fairly active player, so you don't have to worry about kicking me after 3 weeks! I'm on Monday - Thursday normally, after 10pm. Yes, that seems late, but just think of me as "Nocturnally Advanced".
Now, what are you waiting for? Invite me! Whisper me! Tell me that you love me! After all, who would be able to resist a cute panda riding a turtle?
(PS. This character is definitely an alt, but I'll be playing her more often than not)
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100 Orc Shaman
This character is not in a guild, let alone on this server. (My Characters are Alliance on CC).
But I just wanted to give you a friendly bump. Why? Because I think this has to be one of the best self sell posts I've seen in quite a long while!

Good luck in finding a guild that fits, and happy gaming!
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