<Enlightened Dark> Mythic Raiding 9/13 is recruiting skilled RANGE dps 720+/Hunter, Mage, Warlock. Raid times are Mon, Tues, Thurs 8pm-11pm server time 10pm-1am central time Msg dah1337beast#1333 http://www.enlighteneddark-wow.com/
~Must be willing to transfer after successful raid trial
Battlegroup »
Whirlwind (US) »
PvP Anub'arak
RP Blackwater Raiders
PvE Bladefist
RP Cenarion Circle
PvE Cenarius
PvE Darrowmere
PvE Echo Isles
PvE Fenris
PvE Hyjal
PvE Korialstrasz
PvE Lightbringer
PvP Maiev
PvE Misha
RP-PvP Ravenholdt
PvE Shu'Halo
RP Sisters of Elune
PvP The Forgotten Coast
PvE Uther
PvP Vashj
PvE Winterhoof
~Must be willing to transfer after successful raid trial
Battlegroup »
Whirlwind (US) »
PvP Anub'arak
RP Blackwater Raiders
PvE Bladefist
RP Cenarion Circle
PvE Cenarius
PvE Darrowmere
PvE Echo Isles
PvE Fenris
PvE Hyjal
PvE Korialstrasz
PvE Lightbringer
PvP Maiev
PvE Misha
RP-PvP Ravenholdt
PvE Shu'Halo
RP Sisters of Elune
PvP The Forgotten Coast
PvE Uther
PvP Vashj
PvE Winterhoof