Blizzcon 2016

100 Pandaren Monk
If anyone has extra Blizzcon tickets and wants to trade for a couple of Disneyland Park Hopper tickets, let me know!
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100 Gnome Warlock
04/06/2016 11:51 AMPosted by Araceli

Come in early. Do NOT come in on Friday, DO NOT Come in on Thursday, unless you absolutely can't come in any other day. Wednesday is one of the best days I had last year and was VERY fun.

Or you could just come in thursday go pick up your badge and any items you want to buy at the blizzcon store and than have the afternoon/late evening to relax and enjoy yourself before the friday opening.

04/06/2016 11:51 AMPosted by Araceli

DO NOT LEAVE ON SUNDAY. LEAVE MONDAY OR TUESDAY. Saturday night is a HUGE party night. Want to meet Metzen face to face? Done.. Want to meet Samwise face to face? DONE. You can basically find and mingle with any major Blizzard employee or Blizzard competitor (met the entire C9 HOTS team last year) or Twitch streamer on Saturday night in the Hilton Lobby. Wouldn't it suck if you had to leave the party at 10PM just to catch your 6AM flight the next day? Yes, yes it does.

Couldnt you just leave later sunday? Unless this is your first beer you can easily handle booking a late flight so you can wake up hung over with plenty of time to catch it.

04/06/2016 11:51 AMPosted by Araceli

Do not stay 2 miles away just for a nice price. Do not stay 2 blocks away. It's not worth it. Stay in one of the hotels that's less than a mile away and you'll be fine.

Again uber/lyft/cab at any hour of the day to your hotel is no different than you stumbling back to yours. You dont have to be staying at the hilton to go to the parties there, and for the remainder of the time you will really only be at your hotel to sleep.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
They are my opinions of going as many years as I have. I find that arriving Wed or earlier, and leaving Monday or later, makes the trip the best. Sunday is Disneyraid day. I don't want to have to fly from the east coast to the west coast on Thurs, then rush to the hotel and rush to get my badge and wait in line. *shrugs* Personal preferences.

If anyone is looking for a ticket, please contact me. I have may be able to hook you up.
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85 Goblin Death Knight
I have a question.

If I bought a ticket for myself and my friend, does simply "editing" my ticket information with her information "name, email, character name" suffice for her to get the in-game pets, achievements, pre-sale access, and all that stuff?

or do I have to actually transfer the ticket to her?
I'm assuming a simple edit would suffice but I just want to make sure.
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100 Pandaren Monk
04/27/2016 01:40 PMPosted by Katastrophe
I have a question.

If I bought a ticket for myself and my friend, does simply "editing" my ticket information with her information "name, email, character name" suffice for her to get the in-game pets, achievements, pre-sale access, and all that stuff?

or do I have to actually transfer the ticket to her?
I'm assuming a simple edit would suffice but I just want to make sure.

Editing the email will be all that's necessary, it's generally a code emailed to you(though, with yet another change of vendor, this may also change this year)
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