[H] Bloodhoof Story-Go-Round :: Sats 3-5p

87 Blood Elf Paladin
Every Saturday from 3pm to 5pm Server Time in Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore, right over by the bonfire!

The gist of the event is this: The Storyteller begins the evening's story and runs for two posts, just enough to get the story going. The person to his/her immediate left picks up where the Storyteller left off, for another two posts, continuing on the same vein. This continues around the circle, letting all participants have their turn at adding to the story. Non-participants are welcome to sit outside the circle and listen-in, but are under no obligation to join in as long as they are outside the circle.

How is this different from the current Story Night on Tuesdays?
Simple. Story Night in is a sort of "open mic" night for stories, poetry and song. Topics and subject matter vary and attention is usually given to one particular individual for an indeterminate amount of time.

Story-Go-Round, however, focuses on getting everyone present involved (that has a desire to), simply by joining the circle. Those who want to listen in, but not add to the story, can sit on the sidelines within earshot and hear the story as it's made.

Is this a replacement for Story Night?
By all means, no. The concepts are different enough that they can cater to different roleplaying palates and different roleplaying skills. One should never be considered an off-shoot or replacement of the other as they are two different concepts, both meant to inspire and encourage roleplay.

Why Bloodhoof Village?
It is easily accessible to lowbies and the Alliance, should any of them desire to attend.

Will we be able to read this later?
Absolutely! It is my hope to be able to update this thread with chatlogs of the evening's story told -- though due to space restraints on these forums, I may post them to the RP Network (http://www.earthen-ring.com) and link that here.

I have an excellent chatlogging mod (WoWscribe, for the curious) that should be able to parse the log with a minimum amount of fuss.

Chat Log Archive
"A Wishful Fish" -- March 19th
Edited by Sinsolaria on 3/21/2011 8:06 AM PDT
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Alliance... in... Bloodhoof...

<eye twitch>

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100 Human Warrior
I am coming to slaughter all of you! Muahaha.

Actually, I was surprised when I saw the 3pm start time. Everything that has been of major significance that has stuck around has always been later at night. I like the idea of having daylight in mass RP. Brings back the old days!
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
03/16/2011 9:49 AMPosted by Jarrick
Actually, I was surprised when I saw the 3pm start time. Everything that has been of major significance that has stuck around has always been later at night.

I'd given the time-slot a lot of thought and garnered a lot of opinions from other role-players. There were many who lamented that so many RP events only occurred in the evening, usually during the middle of peak raiding times. There are also those on Oceanic time that wished for something earlier in the day that they might have the chance of attending.

And, as a general courtesy, I didn't want to run aground of other evening RP events that were already slated for Saturday. Since I'm home all day on Saturdays usually, it just made some good sense. ^_^ So, we'll see how it goes!
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100 Human Warrior
Well thought out. I'm interested to see what the turn out looks like, and see if other events start to spring up in the wake of a new mid-afternoon trend.
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I am allowed to bite the person sitting to my immediate left, yes?

Looking forward to this.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
I am allowed to bite the person sitting to my immediate left, yes?

Looking forward to this.

For you, Shakina?

You may bite anyone in the circle. Or outside it. Or just happening to walk by. *nods*
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90 Orc Warrior
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I am allowed to bite the person sitting to my immediate left, yes?

Looking forward to this.

For you, Shakina?

You may bite anyone in the circle. Or outside it. Or just happening to walk by. *nods*

Except me...... right? :P I kid! :)
Edited by Belladina on 3/16/2011 6:36 PM PDT
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87 Undead Priest
I am allowed to bite the person sitting to my immediate left, yes?

Looking forward to this.

For you, Shakina?

You may bite anyone in the circle. Or outside it. Or just happening to walk by. *nods*

She needs permission?
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
03/17/2011 9:36 AMPosted by Unclemort
She needs permission?

Not that she needs it, but she did ask. /nod

It would've been rude not to give her an answer. :D
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Just a reminder to come on by if you have the time! Also, don't forget to attend our other great events happening today!

Kosh'harg: The Gathering of the Clans
Once a month on a Saturday from 8pm to 9pm Server!
Orgrimmar on the cliff-side overlooking the Valley of Wisdom
Contact: Awenita or any member of <Tears of Draenor> for info!

Liquid Embers :: Cafe-style Hangout and Entertainment
Every Saturday from 8:30pm until 10pm Server!
Silvermoon City :: The Wayfarer's Rest Inn
Contact: Dhelrenth
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Thank you to all the Tears that showed up in support of this as well as all the role-players who came out to attend and participate. At peak, we had some 12-15 storytelling participants and 3-4 observers on the fringe. For a pilot event, it was a phenomenal turn out! ^_^

I'll be turning this into a weekly event from here on out. I hope to see you all there!

Chat Log Archive
"A Wishful Fish" -- March 19th
Edited by Sinsolaria on 3/21/2011 8:05 AM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Just a reminder to come on by tomorrow (Saturday, March 26) if you have the time! Also, don't forget to attend our other great events happening tomorrow, too!

Liquid Embers :: Cafe-style Hangout and Entertainment
Every Saturday from 8:30pm until 10pm Server!
Silvermoon City :: The Wayfarer's Rest Inn
Contact: Dhelrenth
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Saturday RP bump...

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87 Blood Elf Paladin
/bump Coming up this weekend! Saturday afternoons from 3pm-5pm server! :D
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Just a reminder to come on by today (Saturday, April 09) if you have the time! Also, don't forget to attend our other great events happening, too!

Liquid Embers :: Cafe-style Hangout and Entertainment
Every Saturday from 8:30pm until 10pm Server!
Silvermoon City :: The Wayfarer's Rest Inn
Contact: Dhelrenth
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