H: Maloriak to <Reprise> 25
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
After Dark defeated H Chim.
OF got Heroic Chimmy down
MEEP 25 has downed the Ascendant Council, so we only need the end bosses to complete normal now.
FoE 10 man downed Al'Akir
<After Dark> killed Magmaw Hm.
Heroic Magmaw to OF
(also didn't notice that heroic Chimaeron wasn't marked down for us either :-/)
(also didn't notice that heroic Chimaeron wasn't marked down for us either :-/)
Edited by Krazytoast on 5/23/2011 6:45 PM PDT
Atremedes and Cho'Gall are down for Chaotic Intent
Fruit of Elune just dropped Nefarion
captain of the obvious has downed all of Bastion of Twilight working on nef and Al'Akir
Fruit of Elune has dropped heroic Halfus
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