In an ongoing campaign to renew neglected ruins across the land, the AAMS will be gathering both its branches among the Ruins of Stardust in Ashenvale this Monday evening, starting at 7:00 PM.
The land has long been overrun with corruption and uncontrolled wild forces, and to date the base at Stardust Spire is the only attempt at settling the area. We hope to provide a larger, more peaceful community for settlers in southern Ashenvale.
Needed most are workers: tradespeople, merchants; stonecutters and woodworkers and fisherfolk. We invite both factions to join us in peaceful construction for an evening. Both Horde and Alliance are welcome -- all peaceful hands have something to offer in this badly-needed reconstruction. The AAMS will be on hand to translate anything from formal negotiations to casual conversation.
We hope to see an evening of peaceful labor in a shared cause. Please contact either of our Branch Offices with questions, or for logistical assistance with renewal projects. We would be happy to help with materials or arrangements for specific ventures.
Yours in Service,
Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
(((OOC DETAILS: Like last week in Taurajo, we're working on getting as many people as we can involved in making a "town" of player characters -- player vendors, player questgivers, and so on. We're happy to help get materials or recipes for any ideas you have, so don't be shy about telling us what you'd like to do and what you'd need to do it! Here are some of the ideas that have been floated (and they're all up for grabs):
The area is populated by level 20ish elementals with a fairly slow respawn timer. We'll thin them out as we pop up, and hopefully have some people on board as full-time constables too. Hourly wage or paid by the head? Negotiate a contract with the AAMS...))
In an ongoing campaign to renew neglected ruins across the land, the AAMS will be gathering both its branches among the Ruins of Stardust in Ashenvale this Monday evening, starting at 7:00 PM.
The land has long been overrun with corruption and uncontrolled wild forces, and to date the base at Stardust Spire is the only attempt at settling the area. We hope to provide a larger, more peaceful community for settlers in southern Ashenvale.
Needed most are workers: tradespeople, merchants; stonecutters and woodworkers and fisherfolk. We invite both factions to join us in peaceful construction for an evening. Both Horde and Alliance are welcome -- all peaceful hands have something to offer in this badly-needed reconstruction. The AAMS will be on hand to translate anything from formal negotiations to casual conversation.
We hope to see an evening of peaceful labor in a shared cause. Please contact either of our Branch Offices with questions, or for logistical assistance with renewal projects. We would be happy to help with materials or arrangements for specific ventures.
Yours in Service,
Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
(((OOC DETAILS: Like last week in Taurajo, we're working on getting as many people as we can involved in making a "town" of player characters -- player vendors, player questgivers, and so on. We're happy to help get materials or recipes for any ideas you have, so don't be shy about telling us what you'd like to do and what you'd need to do it! Here are some of the ideas that have been floated (and they're all up for grabs):
- A "Trade Goods Vendor" all stocked up on the same things the NPC versions sell.
A "restaurant" set up around a Basic Campfire, with "menus" created as copes of in-game letters.
Various tradespeople selling crafted goods -- anything you can bring. Be the town armorer, jeweler, whatever your skill happens to be.
Schoolteachers offering lessons, or priests pitching sermons -- to a captive, or at least present, audience of both factions (the AAMS will translate)
"Volunteer constables" keeping the respawns down. Perhaps a Chief Constable from each faction, with a few deputies?
Getting to Stardust can be challenging. An enterprising warlock could do a good business as the first portal service in town...
You can even be a questgiver. Find something that drops in the area you think your character would want a stockpile of, and send people out to get it for you. Or just tell them to kill bears for your amusement -- and for your gold.
The area is populated by level 20ish elementals with a fairly slow respawn timer. We'll thin them out as we pop up, and hopefully have some people on board as full-time constables too. Hourly wage or paid by the head? Negotiate a contract with the AAMS...))
Edited by Aeldgyth on 4/7/2011 4:18 PM PDT