Stardust Renewal Project 4/11 [RP Event H&A]

88 Gnome Death Knight

In an ongoing campaign to renew neglected ruins across the land, the AAMS will be gathering both its branches among the Ruins of Stardust in Ashenvale this Monday evening, starting at 7:00 PM.

The land has long been overrun with corruption and uncontrolled wild forces, and to date the base at Stardust Spire is the only attempt at settling the area. We hope to provide a larger, more peaceful community for settlers in southern Ashenvale.

Needed most are workers: tradespeople, merchants; stonecutters and woodworkers and fisherfolk. We invite both factions to join us in peaceful construction for an evening. Both Horde and Alliance are welcome -- all peaceful hands have something to offer in this badly-needed reconstruction. The AAMS will be on hand to translate anything from formal negotiations to casual conversation.

We hope to see an evening of peaceful labor in a shared cause. Please contact either of our Branch Offices with questions, or for logistical assistance with renewal projects. We would be happy to help with materials or arrangements for specific ventures.

Yours in Service,

Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance


(((OOC DETAILS: Like last week in Taurajo, we're working on getting as many people as we can involved in making a "town" of player characters -- player vendors, player questgivers, and so on. We're happy to help get materials or recipes for any ideas you have, so don't be shy about telling us what you'd like to do and what you'd need to do it! Here are some of the ideas that have been floated (and they're all up for grabs):

    A "Trade Goods Vendor" all stocked up on the same things the NPC versions sell.

    A "restaurant" set up around a Basic Campfire, with "menus" created as copes of in-game letters.

    Various tradespeople selling crafted goods -- anything you can bring. Be the town armorer, jeweler, whatever your skill happens to be.

    Schoolteachers offering lessons, or priests pitching sermons -- to a captive, or at least present, audience of both factions (the AAMS will translate)

    "Volunteer constables" keeping the respawns down. Perhaps a Chief Constable from each faction, with a few deputies?

    Getting to Stardust can be challenging. An enterprising warlock could do a good business as the first portal service in town...

    You can even be a questgiver. Find something that drops in the area you think your character would want a stockpile of, and send people out to get it for you. Or just tell them to kill bears for your amusement -- and for your gold.

The area is populated by level 20ish elementals with a fairly slow respawn timer. We'll thin them out as we pop up, and hopefully have some people on board as full-time constables too. Hourly wage or paid by the head? Negotiate a contract with the AAMS...))
Edited by Aeldgyth on 4/7/2011 4:18 PM PDT
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Posted Underneath:

Honorable Horde,

Have some respect, and stay outta starfall. That's Elfhomes there, let them tend their own patch, we got our own problems.

that is all:
Edited by Plainswander on 4/7/2011 12:27 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Just as an OOC question, where the heck -is- Starfall? I just scoured Ashenvale and can't seem to find anything by that name, closest I could find is the Ruins of Stardust, or that little island right by the Silverwind Refuge that doesn't seem to get named. I get the feeling I'm missing something rather obvious.))
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97 Tauren Hunter
((It is in Winterspring. And yes, I'll be staying very clear of that place. *poof*))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
(Oh, I know about the one in Winterspring, just Aeldgyth's post specifically said Ashenvale.)
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69 Undead Rogue
"I didn't escape the Lich King just to be bossed around by a bunch of co--uh, sorry, Mama Red. No offense, meant, really. But sometimes, you know, I just wanna--"

"What was that? Oh. Ahem. Yes. Right. My bad."

"But still!!! You see, an Elfhome is my home! For good or for bad. I don't care if its the AAMS doing it. Yes, ooh, big baddy AAMS--what? My tabard? No, it ain't gold OR white. You're seeing things. And besides, white is the new black. It's not an AAMS thing at all. It's just, uh...let's get back to what I was saying!"

"I DON'T CARE if it was the Modas Il Toralar doing it or Pillar of Honor doing it--or the INSANE ALLIANCE KING doing it, for that matter! These places are just as much my home as Mulgore is. Maybe more, since, well, you know. I'm me."

"So what I'm trying to say is...I'll be there. Take a few chunks out of me if you like. I've got plenty to go around still, Earthmother knows. Honorable, you say? Heh, I never was. Never will be. I just do what I think is RIGHT."

"...or profitable. But you didn't hear that part..."
Edited by Furen on 4/7/2011 1:53 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((You can't find it because it doesn't exist!

I meant Stardust. Ruins of Stardust, which are in the SW corner of the zone, very close to the border with Stonetalon Mountains. There's a tiny Alliance quest hub just above where we're meeting.

The ruins themselves are a bunch of stone columns on an island overrun by elementals (the big tangly vegetable kind). They've been ruins since the game came out, I'm pretty sure, overrun by corruption from Felwood and general elemental threats rather than by Horde or Alliance or Deathwing or anything like that.

And they are definitely named the "Ruins of Stardust," not Starfall or Starfallen. That was my mistake. Thank you for catching it!))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
(No problem! I kinda figured that's what you meant after I flew all over that silly zone.)
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85 Night Elf Druid
A small parchment appears under those posted:

"So nice to try and rebuild my home. Although neutral building projects have failed in the past. However, you have failed to take one thing into consideration. The AAMS is "neutral" but you have horde working with you. And you want to have THEM help rebuild?

This will not do. As much as it saddens me, I will not make the first strike, if conflict is to break out, again. I will not be far behind though. Look for me in the shadows.

- Ciellia Oakensong"
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85 Tauren Paladin
*Lithune Blinks and stares at the notes posted*

Por Ah..

*Lithune Hastily posts a note in response*

I never, EVER thought I'd say this. But one of dem Lluchduu Ocheliad is right. It's what we tried to tell ya at Turajo, and it's what they are tryin to tell ya now. You didn't respect our wishes and look wha happened. I'll be at yer event, and to prove a point, so will some others, and plenty of fire. You are being told, again, in advance that your settlements will be targeted. It's up to you to decide what to do. Cancel your event and then only invite the alliance? Well that just wouldn't be very nuetral now would it? Or...allow your event to happen and watch as more people are slaughtered. The move is yours.
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85 Night Elf Druid
An impish grin grows across Ciellia's face as she reads a rather shocking note. Ciellia thinks out loud, "They blamed us for the attacks at Turajo... Yet they admit to be the ones to strike first at Stardust? I'll need more help."

Ciellia sighs as she begins to write on a battered piece of parchment:

"The horde were invited, did you miss that? You were invited both times. Just because you ignore it, does not mean it did not happen.

Now what to do with some pests...

Laying a hand on an AAMS courier will not end well. They are known to be neutral and most would come to defend them without being told to. As for your filth burning more of Ashenvale? That simply will not do."
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88 Gnome Death Knight
TO: Ciellia Oakensong, Lluchduu Ocheliad
FROM: Aeldgyth Whistlespark, AAMS


I think it's a bit of a stretch to characterize previous projects as "failed." Members of both factions gathered and worked peacefully at Taurajo for several hours, despite intense pressure from both sides, and frankly they made the place look a good deal better. The gesture itself may have been a bit vain, since the war bands started passing the territory back and forth like a football all over again as soon as we left, but for the time the AAMS was there Taurajo was a more peaceful and pleasant place than it has been since before the great Cataclysm.

I do hope you aren't going to let a few people shouting about lack of proper respect distract you from that inspiring success. Good work was done -- the same good work we hope to do at Stardust. And just as the Alliance came and did good work for Taurajo, we are relying on the Horde to lend their hands peacefully for Stardust.

If you or yours are concerned, I earnestly invite you to come and see for yourselves. Every person who joins us peacefully -- who shares space with their supposed enemies and benefits from it -- is one more example to the warmakers that their way is not the best. It would be a much better use of your time than watching from a distance and waiting for a fight.

Yours in Service,

Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Lithune, Ishnu Por Ah
FROM: Andelia Windtouched, AAMS


If it is your personal goal or the goal of the Ishnu Por Ah to attack peaceful gatherings, there is little we can do to stop that. But I earnestly encourage you to come in peace and see for yourself whether harm is being done at Stardust or not. I think what you will see is a rather humble and bare-handed effort to better the world one beam at a time.

The Ashenvale does not contain lands you can feasibly claim are "yours" by any sort of ancestral or inherited affiliation, nor are the ruins of Stardust a fortress of the current Horde. It offends no one to build there, except perhaps the maddened spirits of a corrupted forest, which even the druids of the kal'dorei reluctantly put to rest.

There is no call for violence. We are responsible for our guests, and we welcome all who come in peace as those guests, no matter what they believe or whose leadership they follow. You and yours will be welcome just the same as anyone else.

But violence done must be on your conscience, and not ours. We are only there to build and to translate.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde
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85 Night Elf Druid
TO: Aeldgyth Whistlespark, AAMS
FROM: Ciellia Oakensong, Lluchduu Ocheliad


There was much more than shouting and lack of respect at Camp Taurajo. However, that is not my point for this response.

My distaste of the horde extends far back. My unwillingness to work with them extends way back. My general disgust at trying to work together with them, well that's recent. But that is of no one's business except those I share it with.

I only speak on behalf of myself, if anyone else should choose my course of action it is not of my persuasion. I am not a warmarker, simply someone who follows orders given to me. If they happen to involve assisting my allies as they go to war, so be it. I will be there in the shadows regardless. I might come out, we'll see.

I have no reason to trust the horde. Nor do I have any reason to want to lose my head. I will still hold to what I said, I will not draw the first weapon. I will defend my home though.

Yours in Service,
Ciellia Oakensong
Black Guard, Lluchduu Ocheliad
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85 Tauren Paladin
Ms. Starfallen

Please, make no assumptions, My actions don't reflect Ishnu as a whole here, much like your couriers attacks don't reflect the AAMS as a whole. This is merely to see how you will react, if you will remain Neutral as you so wish us to believe, or if you will show your true colors, as your group has over the past month. In this instance, you are being given more warning as you put it then last time, that the horde will show up with our war banners raised.

Also, a bit of a history lesson for you. Since you seem to think that the Shu'halo have any claim to Ashenvale. The great Tauren Nation has never laid claim to these lands. While I can't speak for the Warsong Clan, please don't imply anything when it comes to the Shu'halo, as you and your group have already disrespected us to no end. What you did at Turajo, to the bones and graves of our families, would be like me going and throwing big piles of kodoflop into your sunwell.

Furthermore...The location you picked couldn't be worse if you are trying not to be biased. For your last project, you picked a place of great mourning and loss. Where you must have known that the Tauren would get upset. Where the alliance still march, looting. For your alliance rebuilding project however, you pick a place that is merely "over run with corruption" and isn't actually a township?

But, it is the night elves lands, and they should rise to defend it from any horde invaders. Something you probably haven't grasped yet.

Lithune Sunwalker

P.S. Please let any alliance forces that come know, that I applaud their tenacity and willpower to defend their lands, much like we are doing in the barrens. I actually agree that ashenvale is not in the greatest state because of actions of the orcs there. Really, I just want to stand and give them a HAND

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100 Tauren Shaman
To all Members of the Ishnu Por Ah,
It has come to my attention that threats have possibly been made by members of the Ishnu Por Ah concerning the newest renewal project being conducted by the AAMS in Ashenvale. If it is your intention to harm them or any peaceful effort there, AAMS or otherwise, then you are going against the expressed beliefs of the Ishnu Por Ah.

Ashenvale is not Tauren land and so any act of violence there will be considered an act of war and have to be dealt with accordingly. And we have not declared war on the organization known as the AAMS or the Night Elves who claim those forests as their home. A boycott has been called for and that is all. Their project in Camp Taurajo was an insult to us and our people. And was dealt with as people saw fit, and to my pleasure, without breaking the vow that has been made to bring no arms against the AAMS. But what has happened there has happened. And any conflicts concerning Camp Taurajo or the Barrens should not be carried on beyond there. The concerns of the elves and the orcs in Ashenvale and how they chose to deal with the AAMS’s presence is their issue, not ours. They can build whatever they want wherever they want so long as it does not effect that which we consider sacred.

If you go there to observe, then observe, peacefully. If you go there to aid the AAMS, then that is fine as well. Though knowing people’s recent concerns about them that would seem rather contradictory. If you go there looking for or wishing to cause trouble, then you will be dealt with accordingly.

Do not bring our wars beyond the expressed concerns of the Ishnu Por Ah which is the safety and sanctity of Mulgore, the Barrens and any other lands we consider Tauren.

Red Earth of the Blackhide
Matriarch of the Ishnu Por Ah
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85 Night Elf Druid
To all reading these notes:

Ciellia Oakensong will not be attending in any form. No slinking. No assisting.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((Reminder bump -- this happens Monday evening, starting at 7:00 PM server! It's the Spring Festival event for the night as well, so come on by. Horde and Alliance characters both welcome, no need to be previously involved; we'll be translating as usual.

See you all there!))
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Arothand stared blankly at the notice, running a hand through his long, blue hair.

"These AAMS types jus' don't learn, do they? @#!%in' hell. Well, I ain't attendin' this time, na' if it's gonna jus' be another Lucky Duck ambush as soon as th' AAMS runs off."

Sighing, the man takes a few minutes to scrawl his own message beneath the AAMS notice.

'I'm encouraging all members of the Horde to -not- attend this 'peaceful' event. Lets not step on Alliance toes anymore than need be. If we were this pissed over Taurajo, chances are they're pissed off over this.

I'm especially looking at members of Ishnu Por Ah. My orders are to protect and assist any of your kind in your campaign against the Alliance, but I'd prefer to stay the hell out of any further AAMS business, even after they've left. As apparently, the Lucky Ducks like to take it into their own hands to enforce some sort of... halfbrained lesson. Fighting to stop the fighting. Essentially, stay the hell away from this. It's a massacre waiting to happen. And I don't want to have to help clean it up. You saw that they attacked us on our own 'peace night' in our own territory. The hell do you think is going to happen in -their- territory?

-Executor Arothand Lightsworn, of the Razortalons.'
Edited by Arothand on 4/11/2011 12:52 AM PDT
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