WTB [Tsanga's Helm]

Found my helmet, Thank you everyone :)
Edited by Rhyas on 4/22/2011 5:51 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage

If i'm not mistaken, I believe Tsanga's Helm is Bind on Pickup?? my rogue has it and it dropped off trash mobs in BOT...
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90 Tauren Druid

If i'm not mistaken, I believe Tsanga's Helm is Bind on Pickup?? my rogue has it and it dropped off trash mobs in BOT...

It is most certainly not.

It dropped for us from the trash between Halfus and T&V, and we put it in the GB and it eventually went one of the guild's new up-and-coming bear tanks, Genjumin.
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I have gotten one. thank you :)
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