A kind of silly question

85 Tauren Druid
Do druids in from comuneicate telepathically? I mean a cat, chicken thing, or bear does not have the proper mouth to speak in orcish/common, of course I am of the opinon tauren don't eaither but that is neaither here nor there. So how do druids in forms tell people what they are thinking then?
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100 Night Elf Druid
It's a trick we learn around lvl .5 where we transform every bit of ourselves but our larynx. The technique was first developed by the great druid Lingus Fuzzywhatsits just before the breaking for ease of communication during the war.

Or something.

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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
On an RP server, I don't think this is at all silly. I've never noticed in-game what the animation is for a form shifted Druid. I there is no animation that lends credibility to your telepathy idea, otherwise I can't think of any Druid skill or talent that suggests telepathic powers.

And on a somewhat sillier note...

How can one not have the mouth for speaking Orcish? Decayed walking corpses with no jaw or an ill-fitting jaw cannibalized from some decaying thing can speak it perfectly--if such a word can be used to describe a language like orcish. One simply needs a throat to clear and the ability to form any combination of syllables similar to "smash". It requires no finesse or vocal dexterity whatsoever. One might say it is scarcely language at all and as such being shapeshifted into an animal could even improve one's diction in the tongue.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
They talk using magic.
Edited by Araceli on 4/20/2011 3:44 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Waaaaay back when, it used to be you couldn't speak to NPCs without switching out of your animal forms.

Now, they added animations for both talking and eating for druid animal forms.

Take that as you may. Sometimes I add a really thick accent when they're in an animal form, other times I say they can't talk at all, or I say something similar to the other posts in that something in the magic allows them to talk.

Also keep in mind parrots in RL--they don't even have lips, but they can say most things we can. I'm not sure how, but there you are.
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58 Human Death Knight
Tongues. Very skilled Tongues.
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100 Orc Shaman
04/20/2011 03:44 PMPosted by Araceli
They talk using magic.
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