Gnome-O-Vision Inc. Grand Opening [A-RP]

Small posters can be found all over Stormwind and Ironforge, tacked up at waist height.


Ever wish there was a way to capture your most precious memories for all eternity*? Wish you could do so without resorting to kidnapping** and holding prisoner the people involved in those memories?

Well, wish no longer***!

GNOME-O-VISION INC. has the solution!!! With our groundbreaking new technology****, the Gnome-O-Vision Memory-type Automatical Recordation Device 2000-X (patent pending, registered trademark), your fondest memories can be captured for all time, without the risk of prosecution*****!

For more information and pricing options, please contact Queest Sparklecogs, founder.

* GNOME-O-VISION INC. cannot guarantee that memories will, in fact, last "for all eternity".
** Ask about our special offers on kidnapping.
*** GNOME-O-VISION INC. not responsible for long term side effects of continued wishing.
**** "Groundbreaking new technology" in no manner represents that the technology is either "groundbreaking" or "new", nor that it is in any way, shape, or form, actually "technology".
***** GNOME-O-VISION INC. not liable for any actions that bring charges against clients, whether legitimate or trumped-up.
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((Rhawboe uses *Necromancy*!
It's super effective!
Thread gets bumped!))
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100 Undead Warrior
We wisssh to fondly remember the time we ate Bebusss' liver, yesss. The piquant tassste, the ssscreaming, the pleading in it'sss eyesss asss the light ssslowly faded from it, yesss.


Alssso, we would like cake, yesss.
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100 Human Paladin
So, you're the reason Bebus is missing?

You know, if you would produce Vloth for the wedding there would be lots of cake.
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Dear Scary-Decomposing-Possibly-Crazy-Tallbelt Mr. Abominus,

While we would love to help you with the remembrance of this and other, frightening, events, our services have to be acquired before such events take place. We can only take recordations of events where we are present. Until we come to some sort of agreement with the yellowish-metallic dragons, we are unfortunately incapable of going back in time to utilize the Gnome-O-Vision Memory-type Automatical Recordation Device 2000-X (patent pending, registered trademark) on past events.

Please, keep us in mind for all your future premeditated acts of violence. We would be more than happy to negotiate a bulk discount on any recordations you would like.
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Hey now folks, don't make me take an Automatic Recordation of me dropping some of my Gnome-O-Vision Inc. Approved Hyper-Concentrated Neo-Malleble-Synthetic Composition Inverse-Implosion Putty, Mark IV, a.k.a Explodium (patent pending, registered trademark) into your cup of caffeinated beverage of choice.

Actually, that might be a great promotional program for us...

*goes off to ponder the viability of this ad campaign*
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I'm wondering can the Explodium be placed and used on blades with lil to no damage to the blades other then damage gained from normal use
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