School of Hard Knocks event: Sign up here

85 Draenei Priest

This is one of the achievement events that does not integrate well with other players trying to win one of the four BG's required by the event, and is best done coordinated with other players seeking the achievement.

I'm looking for others who want to group together and give it a go as a group, both Horde and Alliance. We can agree on a time (for example, Wednesday night at 7pm PST, or Saturday at Noon PST, etc), and all join together and take turns letting each member of both 10x10's get their achievement with their orphans out.

I don't actualy know if this will work (I'm not a WoW PVP'er) but I suspect that someone will be trying it, so I thought I'd look over the forums for kindred spirits.

My wife and I fight for the Alliance. I am an 85 Disc Priest Summerwrath is an 85 Prot Warrior. I will check back here periodically, or you can reach me in game.


EDIT: Looks like there is enough interest to start building a list of participants. I'll add to these as names come up.

1. Winterfury
2. Summerwrath
3. Aeternnus

1. Yotingo

What would be some times you guys could all make it? I would propose the following:
1. Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday night @ 7pm PST
2. Saturday anytime after 11am PST.

Let me know what works best for you.

EDIT: Not seeing any additional responses, I'm not sure that 3 Alliance and one Horde can get this done. We will keep trying it on our own during the week and see what kind of new responses come in by the weekend. Thanks,

Winterfury & Summerwrath
Edited by Winterfury on 5/4/2011 5:41 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Warrior
The problem with this achievement is that people enter just wanting the achievement, and don't care about winning the game, and therefor they don't win the game, nor do they get the achievement.

Specifically the Eye of the Storm part of the achievement.

You need to try to get 2+ nodes, then work on flags. But because of this achievement, for Alliance anyway, you get 13 people going to the flag, and 2 going to a base together, and then it's just a bunch of whining at everyone while the Horde is able to get 3 and sometimes 4 bases, and then you notice that it's a different person grabbing the flag, or at least turning it in.

Horde like to work together, and Alliance don't. And forming a group specifically for this achievement sounds like a good idea, but you need to still pretend the achievement doesn't exist, or you will never get it done.
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100 Human Mage
I definitely am interested in this - actually need this on multiple toons. After 3PM server works for me on any day, I might be free earlier in the day if need be.
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90 Human Rogue
Quick tip that works wonderfully, If you have Ventrilo or another voice operated program that lets you communicate, you can work With the Horde.

I've done this before on my PvP server Mannoroth.

First off you need some Horde players that are level 85 and are trustworthy, have them form a party of 15 people who all want the achievement and are willing to put up with patience. Have these people in Vent (Or w/e voice program you use).

Have the Alliance form a 15 man group of the same kind of people. (Trustworthy and intelligent) Also have them on Vent. Or at least just the leaders.

Have the Party leaders of BOTH the Horde team, and the Alliance team queue for Eye of the Storm or w/e ever BG you're doing (you may have to change the # of people in the group accordingly per BG)

Here's the trick, you have to queue, Simultaneously! Have a countdown on vent so both teams queue at the same time.


First check with the other team, Via Ventrilo whether their BG popped at the same time. If it popped at the same exact time as your teams, the chances are extremely high that the system placed your BG pre-made team, against the only other 15-man premade team in the queue.

If it popped at the same time, Accept the BG and coordinate with the Horde so as everyone can get the achievements they need. (This may take multiple BGs to do)

If it did not pop at the same time, leave the queue and Re-start the process.

(If it works and you all get your children's week Achievements, stick around to do other BG related ones)

Things can get pretty funny when you see 12+ Alliance and 12+ Horde standing around the flag in Eye of the Storm, just staring and dancing with each other. Instinct tells you to kill each other, but don't. Be a good sport and alternate who gets the Flag/cap.
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85 Draenei Priest
Excellent tips, Arlston! It sounds like there is enough interest here to generate an effort. I will modify my OP to start including a sign up for those interested, and once we have enough traction we can choose a time that works for all.

Not everyone needs to be in this forum, we can have several people brought from within game, we just need to have an agreed list of the parties involved.

Here's what we need:

1. Experienced raid leaders for Horde and Alliance
2. Access to a vent server
3. Meeting place and time

Thanks all,

Winterfury & Summerwrath
Edited by Winterfury on 5/2/2011 7:55 AM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman
I'd be interested in this from Horde-side. My Alliance characters of level unfortunately already have the achievement, but I could come along on Dustwing just to fill out the team with smart warm bodies. ;)
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89 Human Paladin
I'd love to do this Alliance side.... my guild mates can tell you, I'm a bit OCD about my need to get all of the achievements.

That said, this week is terrible for me, schedule-wise. I'll have to see when the plan is to do this, or I may have to wait until next year. :(
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100 Human Mage
From what I've doen so far, the WSG one seems the toughest if you don't have cooperation. It might easier to organize too, since we only need ten alliance/ten horde.
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85 Draenei Priest
Crayauchtin, if you can't join us during the week, how would Saturday work for you? I hate to leave it to the last day, but we're going to need more if this is to work. I'd also be willing to try during the week and come back and do it a 2nd time to help out anyone who couldn't make it during the week.

I'll update the OP. Paranitis & Arlston, let me know if you are interested.

Winterfury & Summerwrath
Edited by Winterfury on 5/2/2011 10:20 PM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman
Hmm, Saturday and Friday would work best, I think
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I got it done myself on Sunday, so I don't really need it done anymore. :P I spent hours and hours trying to get it done.
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89 Human Paladin
I can do Friday and/or Saturday night (and by night, what I really mean is after 3:30 pm server and before 10 pm server.)
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86 Troll Shaman
I've finally gotten my achievements, but I'd still love to help out, either on Alliance side or Horde side. (Sometimes one person is all it takes. In my WSG achievement, a gnome came up and repeatedly dropped the flag for us to return. As long as you didn't kill me, I could help you in that way.)
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100 Human Mage
I'm on right now... I'll keep checking this page, let me know when we wanna group up.
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