Alliance side community

15 Draenei Paladin
Greetings, CC! For various reasons, I've decided that it's time to switch my Alliance side RP to another server. I've read the stickies which have been a great help, but I'd like some actual feedback.

I really enjoy working with the RP community of whatever server I'm on, but my schedule is very erratic so I can never really get into storylines. It also makes it a bit more difficult to be active in a guild. What I intend to do is to make several characters and band them together as an entertainment trope. I'd like to host small, IC events like public poetry readings, joke nights, balls, etc.

Would there be much interest in something like that? I know CC already has some weekly events, The schedule posted in the stickies has some holes I can fill from time to time, but I don't want to step on any toes.

Also, since I do have limits and intend to level several characters at once, my leveling might be a bit slow. How is the community with characters in the lower end of the level spectrum (20s/30s)?
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90 Human Rogue
Hey there!
I know i'm not the one to speak on behalf of the entirety of the CC roleplaying community, but I just want to say: Welcome!

As for your ideas and wanting to roll on our server, we warmly welcome all roleplayers who enjoy doing fun events, and random RP. Should you decide to roll a character on our server (And I hope you do!) We can always use ideas and thoughts on new events! If you're lucky, Arlston the rogue might show up to one of your poetry readings/balls and watch wistfully from the corner like a creeper. (I'm not THAT creepy)

As for erratic scheduling and level concern, here at CC we don't really take level into account when you're IC and talking to others. As far as RP is concerned, you'll find that for the most part, level is not really a problem. Many of our events take place where all levels can reach and interact, and if you're underleveled, we have wonderful people willing to give you a lift! For scheduling, we all understand that Real life comes first, and that not every day is a carbon copy of the other, so you'll find most RP guilds will still welcome you.

Personally, I would love to see new people who enjoy roleplaying, and have fresh new ideas to share with the community. I think it'd be interesting to see quite a few of our well known Roleplayers dance and interact at a ball. (Imperon and Ardam for instance...)

You'll find CC is a very welcoming place, I was just like you and was a bit hesitant when I first came to CC, but after the twenty or so "Welcome!" and " /tacklehug" replies I got, I've never thought of leaving. I hope you give us a shot, and help us by letting us share in all your fun ideas!
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85 Night Elf Hunter
We don't base RP power around levels, so besides getting to higher levels zones where an event might be taking place or OOCly dorking around in heroics/BGs with friends, you won't find a problem being low level. If you want help leveling, most guilds enjoy helping you out.

More events is a good thing! I know that storytelling/open stage nights for performances are a popular event type, and I don't think we have any regulars hosting one except an occasional Ishnu Storytelling Circle on Horde. A server can always support more RP events--in another game, I knew the server schedule was so inundated with events that at peak times there would often be two taverns going on at once! Not something I'd recommend if you can schedule it differently, but it happens.

As for guilds, some are picky about activity (picky meaning, after 1-2 months without logging in, you're kicked), and some don't care so much. There's something for everyone, and when in doubt, starting your own vanity guild can be a good choice, too!
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47 Worgen Warlock
Hello and welcome!! We need more rpers!! We are having an event the end of Childrens week where we will be doing some crafting and a scavenger race. Come join us and get in on the action and meet some people! We have some in the rp community who will help with bags and so forth. I love this place!
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89 Human Paladin
Alliance-side we have the occasional Bard Night, and while I know Pia Presidium's had the idea of making it a weekly thing.... well, it isn't at the moment.

Level is a game mechanic, we don't consider it a part of your IC persona, so feel free to be at whatever level you happen to be at. As Dustwing said, you'll also find plenty of people willing to help you level.

My schedule is pretty erratic as well, and I know I'm not the only one. I'm sure you'll fit right in -- and the idea of some entertainers is something I'd find well.... entertaining! :)
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43 Night Elf Hunter
Hello Beolagh! I'd would just like to confirm the whole "level doesn't matter" note. See Arlston up there? He was a happy member of the CC roleplay community before level 10! I personally use my OOC level to influence some of my IC actions (like where my character travels to or their ability in a combat setting. My level 85 druid is more skilled than my level 28 druid with their ability to heal comrades. But that doesn't hold the level 28 back from trying!).

For some events, like the Feathers of Iron tavern nights (now happily moved to Booty Bay), they had taxi services up and running to assist the lower levels in attending. This is normally the sort of friendliness you can find on CC.

The guilds I am a member of have many people with erratic play times. And everyone excepts the real life over WoW. These guilds are also friendly and helpful! I think you would find a lot of support among the various guilds (at least Alliance side, I have not spent much time horde side) for those sort of events. I personally would love to see more bard nights (and have a couple characters that would be perfect "behind the scenes" in helping set it up).

I really hope you do decided to come visit Cenarion Circle!
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90 Human Rogue
05/04/2011 06:49 AMPosted by Shauraria
Hello Beolagh! I'd would just like to confirm the whole "level doesn't matter" note. See Arlston up there? He was a happy member of the CC roleplay community before level 10!

True story, but also somewhat embarassing.

*Stop making me a Poster boy for CC!*
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85 Night Elf Druid
Fine, we'll use Frazz!
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90 Human Death Knight
05/04/2011 02:36 PMPosted by Ciellia
Fine, we'll use Frazz!

For the love of all that is holy, NOT THAT!!!!!
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89 Human Paladin
05/04/2011 02:28 PMPosted by Arlston
*Stop making me a Poster boy for CC!*

Then stop being such a good one! :P
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
05/04/2011 02:28 PMPosted by Arlston
Hello Beolagh! I'd would just like to confirm the whole "level doesn't matter" note. See Arlston up there? He was a happy member of the CC roleplay community before level 10!

True story, but also somewhat embarassing.

*Stop making me a Poster boy for CC!*

Don't feel bad, I was the same way for a while. :) *hugs*
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46 Dwarf Shaman
05/01/2011 03:54 PMPosted by Beolagh
For various reasons
Och, that're a terrifyin couple of words there, aye, that is.. "for various reasons" ya say? And wut might they be? ye wasn't doin' somethin' unholy like...SPILLIN BEER were ye?

We'll no hae no alcohol abusers around these parts, nar! Th' Booze is fer Drinkin! Not spillin! *hic*

Other than that ya squidfaced laddiebuck, a fine welcome to ya, ye'll find no finer group o' drunks, wenches, miscreants, saints, and other unnameable types here. Why, they even let *hic* me in, a poor wee dwarf just lookin' fer a home, aye!

So even though ye're an unhealthy blue color, an' sadly lackin' in beard, I'm sure you'll find your palace in noo time at'all.

I'll just add on wee bit though, just a tiny thing, not much of a concern really, but if you come up and tries to do *hic* somethin' that'd be patently out of your weight class as an RP thing, don't be surprised if some folks don't take it too serious. *urp* It're all in good fun though.

Oh noo..., *urrrrrrrrp*, ye' cask and totems.. TROLL DRINKS.....WHYYY???????

/sound of running feet

Welcome to CC, we're a fine bunch. Most will ignore level, but many won't. Especially hordeside. If you attempt to do something obviously outside your level range, or try to godmode higher level characters, the results will often require a corpse run, or mockery. There is also a VAST amount of cross-faction silliness here. Everyone has at least one "other side" alt, often times many more. Were there to be a lineage chart for who's who, and their alts here, it would resemble a demonic cross between spaghetti and DNA.

Also, for casual-getting-to-know folks and sitautions, I am finding "The Orher Side" to be a really excellent place to ghet my feet wet (My main is long time horde, so, a gentle introduction was needed...), I honestly can't recommend them enough. You won't have to do any huge RP involvement unless you want to, but you can tap into things like AllianceOOC and the other public channels easily, and get a feel for things...))
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