The craft fair will be held in the field outside of Goldshire and any crafter who wishes to set up a booth and hawk their wares and sell clothing, armor, weapons, even bags or raw materials, is welcome to do so. You keep all your profits and level up as you can. It is up to you to set prices or trade for raw mats if you wish.

Time will be 3 p m. server time, (Pacific time) to whenever people get tired of doing it. RP is encouraged and is a good opportunity to make new friends and welcome new folks to the server.

Scavenger hunt will be held at this time as well, starting at 3:30 p m Pacific. The Stormwind Jockey Club has a guild vault full of green, and even some blue items of armor and weapons. Prizes will be given out to all who complete the list. with the fastest time recorded here in the forums and a special prize of 100gold.

Hope to see everyone there and having a good time!!