Is this server for me?

93 Dwarf Shaman
Hello there,

I'm currently debating whether or not I want to change servers for RP. MG is great for random RP, but not so much the kind of RP I like. It's mainly centralized to Stormwind and not a lot of on-going story RP unless you're in an active guild.

I'd probably roll a Wildhammer shaman so I'd be looking for dwarf RP and/or shaman RP. I'm a casual gamer, getting on at least once a day anywhere from 1 - 5 hours a day, depending on my schedule.

Thanks for any info given!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't think we have any specific dwarf or shaman RP ally side on this server. CC does not have a ton of race/class specific guilds, maybe one or two at the most.

I suggest joining the AllianceOOC channel, as they may be able to assist you more so then I. (My days of playing Ally are very few and far inbetween lately.)
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47 Worgen Warlock
First of all, come roll a dwarf shammy here and start talking to folks. You are more than welcome to chat with any of the fine rpers here on CC. We love to see more rp here and are willing to help you find and create the kinds of storyline things that make rp interesting. We are having a craft fair and scavenger race this coming Sat 5/7/2011 at 3:00 p m Pacific time. There are also some volunteers who take time to welcome and hand out guild invites, bags and a few gold to newcomers who actually take time to chat in our channels and introduce themselves. Come on in the more the merrier!!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Alt before you transfer! Always alt before you transfer.

But that said, do come roll an alt and see how you like it. It's a very good server for RP of all stripes.
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89 Human Paladin
Yeah, it's unfortunate that CC is not big on race/class specific guilds -- we're not a totally perfect server, just pretty darn close. :P That said, you could always start a dwarf or shaman guild!

...but, yes, alt before you transfer!
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100 Dwarf Shaman
I might qualify in that respect. Pillar of Honor is not specifically-tailored to the things you mention, but most of my story line and general rp very much is. If you don't see me, send a tell to Vanressa.
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90 Troll Hunter
Welcome and hello! Both factions are warm and friendly to role-players. Although I'm mostly Horde side (and lead one of the "big" RP guilds there), I'm happy to welcome you to our ranks. Please, give us a chance and roll an alt and join the OOC and IC channels of your chosen faction (AllianceOOC and HordeOOC, and HearthstoneIC (A) and Hearthstone (H)).

Ask questions. We're all here to help. Don't be afraid of thinking you've asked the same question a zillion others have asked; our RP communities are welcoming of new people and we want everyone who joins in to feel accepted and that there's a place for them here on CC and in their faction's RP community.

Check the Guild Finder to see what's available -- check the "Role Playing" box and the availability boxes for weekday/weekend, and see what you get. The GF doesn't tell you who the guild leaders are, but if any of the listed guilds appeal to you, send an inquiry. Write "I'd love to learn more about your guild!" or something similar, and say that you're interested in transferring a character as well and want to learn more about that guild. I personally like it when inquirers write IC notes, or describe their character a bit -- that gives me good vibes about that potential guild member.

The guild master will likely be the one to respond to you, since right now officers can't see respondents, but some GMs may ask their officers to undertake this task. (I personally respond to promising guild inquiries via the GF by writing an in-character letter to applicants and seeing how they respond and going from there; results have been very positive thus far! You might encounter something similar.)

I don't know if Alliance has anything like Homeland -- we specialize in welcoming new people and helping them get started by giving out starting greens or bags -- but chances are that someone will give you that sort of help or something else to get you started!

And don't feel discouraged if you feel overwhelmed at first. You'll find the right guild for you, even if it doesn't happen on the first day.

Good luck!
Edited by Poni on 5/5/2011 12:59 PM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman
The AAMS Alliance Branch is somewhat like Homeland in that we accept people who are new to roleplaying. The AAMS Horde Branch, too, actually.
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90 Human Death Knight
05/05/2011 01:06 PMPosted by Yotingo
The AAMS Alliance Branch is somewhat like Homeland in that we accept people who are new to roleplaying. The AAMS Horde Branch, too, actually.

And with our Children's Week Clothing Drive (which I will be continuing indefinitely, even if only on a personal level of effort) we have a very large supply of starting gear for new players. Maybe not all greens, or that many bags to go around currently, but plenty of cloth, leather, and mail starting armor.
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Wow, that's a great idea! I should contribute with low level guns when I transfer. Just 3 more rare artifacts now!
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90 Troll Hunter
05/05/2011 01:06 PMPosted by Yotingo
The AAMS Alliance Branch is somewhat like Homeland in that we accept people who are new to roleplaying. The AAMS Horde Branch, too, actually.

I think most RP guilds take RP newbies, although some are expressly aimed at RP newbies as well as the experienced. So no one should feel constrained by guild choice if they're new to RP.

And yes, thank you for your donation, kind sir!
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