Delnasha Darkhammer: Beginnings

88 Night Elf Druid
((I had an idea for a dwarf. This dwarf is the daughter of a Dark Iron and a Wildhammer. I had a lot of help creating this backstory and it would have sucked without the help. Thank you Paranitis!!!))
Edited by Samuelww on 5/16/2011 4:53 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Warrior
((Hopefully you write the story through your new character. Would make the most sense. :P))

((Noticed you copypasta'd the condensed should come back and edit, and pretty it up some.))
Edited by Paranitis on 5/16/2011 4:52 PM PDT
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88 Night Elf Druid
Her mother was captured by Dark Iron dwarves during a raid. The father, who was the guard assigned to the mother, was more neutral than evil; while other guards did things such as spitting in prisoner's food, kicking them, beating them, and even killing them. The fater was acting 'too kind' twards the prisoner and the other guards forced him to sleep with the mother, and she allows it knowing that he doesn't really want to do it. They fall in love for eachother or at least find companionship together. She gets pregnant later due to them visiting more often, in secret generally. When he realised she is pregnant he starts bringing her extra rations. The other guards find out that he was visiting her and giving her extra rations and he has to help her escape before they execute him. During their escape he was killed, but she escaped barely. Later she has the baby. She is then found by other Wildhammers shorty after and they want to kill the baby but, she stops them. She never tells her daughter the story so the baby grows up believing from the clan that her mother was taken advantage of, and so she has a severe disliking for Dark Iron dwarves to the point of hate.
Edited by Samuelww on 5/17/2011 7:21 PM PDT
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88 Night Elf Druid
She traveled to Anvilmar to begin training to exact, according to her, revenge. She faces many difficulties with Ironforge due to them knowing that she is half Dark Iron. ((I will update this every now and then))
Edited by Samuelww on 5/17/2011 7:20 PM PDT
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