Server Transfer

90 Worgen Death Knight
Hello, my name is Willason, of Wyrmrest Accord. I was thinking of transfering to Cenarion circle, but I have a few questions first. Can you name and Alliance side kingdom rp guilds that would accept a worgen DK? What is the rp community like? Is there much random rp? Thanks in advance.
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89 Human Paladin
I'm not entirely sure what kingdom RP is, but if you mean a guild roleplaying as a nation of the Alliance, the Sons of Lordaeron (if they're around, I haven't seen any of them for a bit :\) are the only really "kingdom RP" guild I can think of they would definitely accept a Worgen DK. We always encourage new guilds to be formed though, since there's always new and creative ideas!

The RP community here is a verrry friendly (sometimes too friendly....), we're very supportive of other people's ideas and stories, and always able to offer feedback if you need any. There's not a lot of griefing since we're pretty good about quashing that soundly when it does happen, and most of the Mary Sues, god moders etc (which you'll find anywhere) stick to one group of RPers so most of us don't have too much interaction with them.

There's plenty of random RP, although it can be *really* hard to find except in certain RP hotspots -- which is, basically, most any tavern. Alliance-side, however, the hottest hot spot by far is the Blue Recluse.
It's pretty easy to figure out where people are though, via our global channels. You can /join allianceooc for out of character chat (which is where a lot of RP is planned) and-or /join hearthstoneic for in-character chat (the concept being that not only does the hearthstone teleport you, but also acts sort of as a sort of mystical walkie-talkie).
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90 Human Rogue
If you're searching for a guild that your Worgen Death Knight would fit into, I can't really think of ANY Alliance side guilds that don't accept Death Knights. Some are explicitly anti-warlock, but none are Anti-DK. There's even one based around Death Knights who want to continue the work of the scourge.

Long story short, whatever guild you apply to, is mostly dependent on what your backstory is. Are you a redeemed Death Knight that wants to do good in the world with your second chance at life? Or a heartless killing machine that wants to find others who revel in power and battle? We have all kinds of guilds here! Even highly unique (and awesomely useful I might add) guilds such as the AAMS (Anytime Anywhere Messenger Service).

As Cray stated above, (Thanks Cray!) If the guild you feel you truly belong in doesn't exist, It's a relatively easy matter to find people willing to help you create your own! Just recently I can think of two new RP guilds that have sprung up dedicated to helping fellow RP-ers! (Phlogiston Brotherhood, a guild of Master Craftsman and Azeroth College, one dedicated to helping new players and teaching them to play and RP)

In short (Wow, Deja vu?) We'd be happy to have you! We're ALL friendly OOC, and most are friendly ICly, so you'll find we can be highly fun to be around. (I'd suggest wearing a padded shirt from the sheer number of Tacklehugs you'll get).

Hope to see you on our Realm!
Edited by Arlston on 5/25/2011 7:04 AM PDT
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85 Human Warlock
Random RP isn't too horribly common, but it isn't rare. Just the other day, playing Horde side, I had a goblin start chatting me up about our shared class, and then asked me to eat him if things went badly for him. Yeah. It was awesome.

Oh, and Arlston. It's the Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service. Even if we do a whole lot more than send messages.
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Greetings!! Azeroth College would be delighted to accept you into our ranks as either student or staff. As GM I can offer you some aid in the way of bags and even some pocket change if you simply wish to make an alt and come visit. I am sure you will be happy to see a very vibrant rp community. Even though summer is upon us and sometimes things get a bit quiet, there are some of us here most anytime of day or night.
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