In-Character Skills: What're Yours?

Time for another thread-about-playing-our-characters! Because this is, after all, a roleplaying server. So:

1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?
2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?
3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

I'm always curious to see how much people like to bring outside ideas in and how much people prefer to stick with what can happen on the screen. And, of course, the best moments always come when people find ways to use in-game items and skills to create activities that theoretically don't exist in the game at all. Let us know yours!


1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?

When she was "Professora of Sorcery and Etiquette" at Da Doctas, Arjah was also studying the medical side of the business with her father Hrookhzin. She'd never be an M.D., and in a world with magical healing she's redundant, but she could probably make a passable EMT by modern standards. She's also gone out of her way to make herself into a competent midwife, and probably knows more about the messy business of having babies than any three other women combined.

2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?

The mechanical First Aid skill kinda-sorta-maybe represents some of this, but there isn't a whole lot to it. If people have shown up and are interested in the patch-me-up kind of RP (at, say, a Doctas' Clinic), I'm pretty willing to play back-and-forth emotes with them. The midwifery is definitely best left as an occasionally-mentioned skill of Arjah's that never, ever gets screen time, for obvious reasons.

3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

Frequently when she shows up for Clinics, though these days she tries to defer to the practicing Doctas and not step on any toes. Mostly she amuses herself by recommending drastic remedies like cutting parts off and letting them grow back healthy, then pretends to be astonished when people remind her that trolls are the only ones who work that way. It's sort of her way of testing the general public's common sense whenever someone gets hurt...
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89 Human Paladin
1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?

Cray's an incredibly skilled fighter, as he's been trained as a warrior most of his life. His command of his Paladin-ly powers is not nearly so great.
It's not so much that the game can't mechanically represent it.... it's just that I'm not very good at PvP. (Just a sliiiiiight oversight when I came up with this character. Shush! :P)

2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?

I think I'd like for there to be a way of emoting custom emotes cross faction but otherwise, I think it just means I really really have to learn to PvP. :P

3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

Most of my fights have been done through emotes so far, so it hasn't been a huge problem.
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21 Worgen Rogue
1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?

Ulf's a psychopath... His particular MO for his crimes is a bit disturbing.

2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?

I'm pretty glad I just have to emote it. It'd be sickening as a graphic. :P

3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

Pretty much every time I RP as Ulfrec. :P
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90 Human Death Knight
1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?

Sgt. Rillik Verogoth was a fortifications specialist within the ranks of the Death Knights while still under the sway of Arthas. His responsibilities mainly concerned seeing to the fortification of the Scourge's bases when on the defensive and finding ways to counter-act the defenses of enemy bases when on the offensive. He was VERY good at his job.

Prior to his time among the Scourge, his family ran a textile mill, so he has some small skill in manufacturing.

2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?

For the manufacturing, there's Tailoring, which Rillik has almost maxed, even though there is almost no game mechanic benefits for a Death Knight with Tailoring...

For the fortification building and such, the closest thing I can see to that is Engineering, but still that's not quite right. I think this one is better represented as knowledge that Verogoth can impart.

3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

Very rarely. The tailoring comes into play by Rillik providing gear (primarily bags) for other couriers in the AAMS. A messenger can never have too much bag space, right?

The knowledge of fortifications only came up once, when we needed to redecorate the AAMS offices after an unfortunate incident involving a certain type of wool-bearing mammal which will remain nameless... Rillik tends to not speak of his time with the Lich King's forces and what he did during those years, so this particular skill won't come up very often.
Edited by Verogoth on 6/1/2011 11:47 AM PDT
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46 Dwarf Shaman
1. Does your character theoretically possess tangible, practical skills that the game cannot represent mechanically? What are the notable ones?

(Conklin makes, drinks, grades, and is a conniseur of all types of alcohol. The limited "you're drunk" mechanic cannot even come close to the sheer brobdinagian scope of his alcoholic habits... he has a PHD* in Boozination...)

2. Would you want the game to have a mechanic for the skill, or do you prefer it as emoted window-dressing?

I like it to be entirely up to me, that way it can be as offensive or as unobtrusive as I want it to be, and nobody can say "boo" to it.

3. How much does it actually come up in your RP?

What're you lookin at ya rangy strecthed out piece of skinleather? Aye, I'm talkin to ye, ye overtall lily livered elf-snot, that's right, aye, YOU! Right there... I've got ten silver here says you can't drink this! Yer not AFEARED are ye?

Judge fer yeself.

(PHD = Perpetually Hairy Drunk on)
Edited by Conklin on 6/2/2011 1:09 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Druid
Zherron is an alchemist, and combines that with druidic skill to identify a really nasty poison and come up with a potion that might be able to counteract it. So far it's worked, but as he points out, alchemy can only do so much. It has been used in RP only once, and generally I use what potion I know can be used without full health/mana, something like the Potion of Concentration. (Y'know, I should use a Potion of Deepholm. Just once. "Here ya go, this will help you out nic-- oh dear, he's gone!")
Edited by Zherron on 6/6/2011 6:37 AM PDT
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