[A] Looking for someone with FRAPS!

89 Human Paladin
Hello Cenarion Circle!

This post is NOT just for RPers!

So, many of you know, there's been an on-going RP plot line that almost anyone in our server's RP community likely knows about -- concerning the captivity of Faithe.

The storyline is going to be culminating on Sunday night. There's several teams planned to be participating (seven to be exact!) and we were hoping that some people with fraps might be available to film each team (or at least most of the teams).

You *don't* have to be an RPer. We just need some Alliance people with FRAPS and who know how to use it and who would be interested in watching a very very exciting RP event unfold!

If you are interested, please please please message either myself or Gentyl in game (as we don't want too many of the details being "leaked" to the public ;D)

Thanks so so much guys!
Edited by Crayauchtin on 6/7/2011 9:23 PM PDT
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Hey hey hey! Gnome O Vision Inc's patented trademarked Gnome-O-Vision Memory-type Automatical Recordation Device 2000-X (see http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2416202297 for further details) is all about gathering an account of happenings in Azeroth! Just find myself or the mastermind of our project, the ever indomitable and clever and funny and cute and squeak filled and intelligent and bossy and silly and inventive and jocular Queest! She knows what's up, that clever Gnome does.
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100 Human Paladin
I would imagine it might be interesting to record it horde side also.
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